Ofsted conducted a remote visit to St Thomas the Apostle School and Sixth Form College on November 5, 2020, to assess the school's response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This visit was part of a broader initiative to understand how schools are managing the return to full education following an extended period of disruption. The visit was not an inspection, and no graded judgments were made. Instead, it focused on gathering information about the school's operations and the measures taken to support students during this time.
During the visit, discussions were held with the headteacher, the executive headteacher, and members of the senior leadership and pastoral teams. The inspectors did not engage with students directly. The context of the visit was shaped by the government's expectation for schools to fully reopen to all pupils by September 2020. The school had opened its doors to all students on September 4, 2020, and attendance was slightly lower than usual for this time of year. To address attendance concerns, home visits were conducted to alleviate anxieties, and office staff provided support to parents regarding COVID-19 testing.
The school maintained a full curriculum, although some adjustments were made to the order of content delivery. For instance, in Year 7 information technology lessons, there was a focus on online safety and the use of the school's preferred online platform. In science classes, limited access to specialist facilities resulted in reduced practical work for Years 7 and 8, with teachers utilizing video exemplars to supplement learning.
Leaders at the school utilized assessment results from the end of the previous summer term to identify gaps in students' knowledge and planned subsequent teaching to address these gaps. Additional groups were created in Years 7 and 8 for physical education to facilitate social distancing, and new equipment was purchased for art lessons to minimize resource sharing.
Changes were also made to the delivery of subject content for students in Years 9 to 11, with geography fieldwork now conducted in the local area. The school employed additional staff to provide more one-to-one and small group tuition sessions, enhancing support for students.
In the sixth form, all students were engaged in their chosen subjects, with Year 12 students undergoing regular assessments to ensure course suitability. Year 13 tutor time was repurposed for academic teaching and study. The school leaders expressed readiness to transition to a fully online curriculum if necessary, ensuring that students would follow their normal timetable with a mix of live lessons and independent work. Plans were also in place to recreate the school community remotely, including virtual assemblies and tutor periods.
The visit concluded with no significant concerns identified, and the information gathered would contribute to Ofsted's national reporting, informing future educational policy. The school demonstrated a proactive approach in addressing the challenges posed by the pandemic, ensuring that students continued to receive a comprehensive education while prioritizing their health and safety. The insights gained from this visit will be valuable for understanding the broader impact of COVID-19 on the education system in England.