Seven Mills Primary School, located in the Isle of Dogs, London, has been rated as good in its recent inspection. The school serves a diverse community and offers a supportive environment where pupils feel safe and valued. Students appreciate the opportunities provided by the school, including unique experiences such as learning to surf. The leadership team is dedicated to ensuring high standards in teaching, particularly in early reading and spoken English, which is beneficial for many pupils who speak English as an additional language. The school has established a strong foundation for all pupils to learn and achieve effectively.
From the early years, children receive attentive care and guidance, helping them adapt to school routines and develop essential social skills. Older pupils demonstrate respect towards staff and engage positively in their learning. The school has a low incidence of bullying, and staff are proactive in addressing any issues that arise, ensuring a safe and conducive learning environment.
The curriculum at Seven Mills is engaging and enriched with various extracurricular activities, including musical performances and educational trips. Leaders have carefully considered what knowledge pupils should acquire, particularly in subjects like music, where younger students enjoy singing and older pupils explore more complex concepts. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in ensuring that all subjects have clearly defined knowledge progression to deepen pupils' understanding.
In early years, while the curriculum is generally effective, there is a need for more targeted opportunities to develop fine motor skills, which are crucial for writing fluency. The school has implemented a well-structured phonics program that supports reading development, and pupils are encouraged to take books home to practice. Those who struggle are quickly identified and receive additional support, leading to a high level of reading proficiency among students.
Teachers generally present content well and use effective activities to reinforce learning. However, there are instances where understanding is not thoroughly checked, which can lead to gaps in knowledge. Leaders must ensure that misconceptions are addressed promptly to prepare pupils for future learning.
The school is attentive to the needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, providing tailored support to help them succeed. The curriculum includes demanding physical activities that build confidence and prepare children for future challenges. Older pupils exhibit positive attitudes towards their education and are eager to learn.
Leaders promote leadership skills and active citizenship among pupils, encouraging them to participate in school council activities and community service. The school fosters a strong connection with the local community, providing nursery places and engaging parents through workshops and informal gatherings. However, some parents have expressed a desire for more opportunities to share their views about the school.
Staff members take pride in their work and appreciate the support from school leaders. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with a focus on keeping pupils safe both at school and at home. Leaders prioritize teaching safety, particularly regarding water safety due to the school's proximity to the River Thames.
Overall, Seven Mills Primary School is a good school that provides a nurturing environment for its pupils. While there are areas for improvement, particularly in ensuring consistent understanding checks and refining the curriculum in some subjects, the school is committed to fostering a positive learning experience for all students.