St Peter’s London Docks CofE Primary School, located in Wapping, London, has been recognized for its outstanding performance during the inspection conducted on March 26-27, 2019. The school has made significant strides since its previous inspection, where it was rated as good. The leadership team, led by the headteacher, has cultivated a culture of high expectations and has provided exemplary support for staff development. The governors are well-trained and knowledgeable, effectively challenging and supporting the school’s initiatives.
The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment at St Peter’s is outstanding. Teachers are highly skilled and knowledgeable, ensuring that pupils achieve high standards across various subjects. The curriculum is carefully designed to foster deep subject knowledge, and pupils demonstrate exceptional progress in mathematics, tackling increasingly complex problems with enthusiasm. Reading is prioritized, with a significant number of pupils meeting the expected standards in the national phonics screening check. Pupils who speak English as an additional language receive expert support, enabling them to make strong progress.
The school effectively utilizes the sports premium funding, resulting in high engagement in physical activities among pupils. Behaviour is exemplary, with pupils demonstrating respect and kindness towards one another. The school has established a robust culture of safeguarding, ensuring that pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe. Parents and carers express overwhelming satisfaction with the school, praising the commitment of the staff to their children’s safety and progress.
In the early years, children benefit from high-quality teaching in a stimulating environment that meets their needs effectively. They make rapid progress from generally low starting points. While leaders provide helpful feedback to staff, there is a need to strengthen the connection between teaching quality and pupil progress in knowledge and skills.
The school’s leadership is characterized by a strong team that works diligently to improve pupil outcomes. The curriculum is well-structured, allowing pupils to develop their knowledge sequentially across a broad range of subjects. Regular checks on teaching quality and pupil work are conducted, although feedback could better focus on the impact of teaching on pupil progress.
Governors play a strategic role, providing support and challenge to the leadership team. They are well-informed and actively engage with the school community. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with thorough checks in place to ensure the safety of all pupils.
Pupils’ personal development and welfare are outstanding, with a strong emphasis on values such as love, inspiration, grace, hope, and truth. They exhibit excellent attitudes towards learning and participate actively in school life. The school promotes tolerance and equality, fostering an understanding of diverse cultures and beliefs.
Overall, St Peter’s London Docks CofE Primary School is a thriving educational institution that prioritizes the academic and personal development of its pupils. The school’s commitment to high standards, effective leadership, and a supportive environment contributes to the exceptional progress made by its students. The school is well-positioned to continue its trajectory of success, with a strong foundation in place for future improvements.