Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School, located in London, has recently undergone an inspection that highlighted its overall effectiveness as good. The inspection took place on March 9 and 10, 2022, and evaluated various aspects of the school, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school has maintained a good standard since its last inspection, which was 14 years ago when it was rated outstanding.
The school community is characterized by strong values, with staff and pupils demonstrating courtesy and kindness in their daily interactions. Pupils feel a sense of belonging and are encouraged to celebrate their faith. The school fosters a safe environment where pupils can confidently report any incidents of bullying, which are reported to be rare. The exemplary behavior of pupils and the respectful relationships among them contribute to a positive atmosphere. Leaders effectively promote spiritual development, teaching pupils the importance of helping and encouraging others, which aligns with the school's values.
Parents and carers appreciate the school's strong ties with the community and the parish church. They actively support charitable initiatives, reflecting the school's commitment to social responsibility. The school is recognized for its caring and kind atmosphere, where pupils from different year groups look out for one another.
The school excels in planning clear and ambitious goals for all subjects, with teachers demonstrating strong subject knowledge. Well-organized learning experiences in subjects such as science, computing, music, and physical education are evident. For instance, Year 6 pupils engage in hands-on learning by dissecting animal hearts, while music lessons focus on reading musical notation and singing together.
Reading is prioritized, with pupils starting phonics instruction early in Reception. The school provides opportunities for pupils to read to adults throughout the day, and teachers group pupils to support those who need to catch up. However, the current initiatives in phonics and mathematics are still in their early stages, and there is inconsistency in the use of questioning to deepen pupils' understanding across all lessons.
Pupils enjoy their time at school, interacting well with each other and showing enthusiasm in sharing ideas. They demonstrate self-control and low levels of disruption in the classroom. The school offers various leadership opportunities for pupils, allowing them to take on responsibilities and participate in clubs and competitions.
Leaders are aware of the needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, working with external partners to provide support. The school adopts an inclusive approach to teaching, ensuring that all pupils can succeed from their starting points.
Despite these strengths, the school faces challenges in consistently delivering all subjects in the curriculum. Some lessons lack robust planning, which affects the depth of pupils' learning. Additionally, children in Reception have limited access to diverse learning opportunities, particularly in developing physical skills. Leaders are encouraged to enhance the planning and delivery of meaningful experiences for young learners.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, with staff trained to promote a culture of safety. Leaders regularly review safeguarding practices and ensure that all necessary recruitment checks are conducted.
Overall, Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School demonstrates a commitment to providing a supportive and enriching educational environment. While there are areas for improvement, the school continues to foster a positive community where pupils can thrive academically and personally.