St Michael’s CofE Primary School in Southfields, London, was inspected on 14 and 15 June 2022, receiving an overall effectiveness rating of good. The school has a rich history, having been last inspected 14 years ago when it was rated outstanding. The current inspection reflects the changes that have occurred since then, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Pupils at St Michael’s enjoy their learning experiences, participating in a wide range of visits and extracurricular activities. They have opportunities to explore their interests, including music, and are encouraged to take on various responsibilities within the school community. The school fosters a positive environment where pupils feel proud of their roles, such as monitors and eco-warriors. Parents and carers appreciate the school’s community feel and the high expectations set for all pupils, especially those with special educational needs and disabilities. However, the report notes that expectations for early years learning are not as high, indicating a need for improvement in this area.
Behaviour among pupils is commendable, with high expectations set from the start in Nursery. Pupils demonstrate politeness and respect towards each other and adults, contributing to a calm and orderly environment. They feel safe and know whom to approach with concerns, with instances of bullying being rare and addressed promptly by staff.
The curriculum at St Michael’s is broad, with clear subject content in most areas. Pupils build on their prior knowledge effectively, as seen in subjects like mathematics and music. However, the report highlights that curricular planning in history, geography, and design and technology requires further development to clearly identify key knowledge for pupils. Teachers are noted for their strong subject knowledge and their ability to extend pupils’ learning, although this is less evident in the early years, where interactions do not consistently promote vocabulary development.
The school has successfully implemented a new phonics approach, with well-trained staff teaching phonics consistently. Pupils read books that match their phonics knowledge, and regular checks help identify those who may struggle. However, support for Reception pupils who find phonics challenging is not as effective, leading to slower progress in becoming fluent readers.
Pupils with special educational needs are fully included in school life and receive strong support from well-trained staff. The school’s enrichment programme offers a variety of experiences, including visits and workshops, which pupils value highly. They learn about different cultures and health, participating in sporting events and discussing healthy lifestyles.
The governing body provides a strong balance of support and challenge, ensuring staff well-being is prioritized. Leaders are knowledgeable and proactive in their roles, working closely with external specialists to meet pupils’ needs.
The report identifies areas for improvement, particularly in supporting Reception pupils struggling with phonics and ensuring that the intended curriculum is implemented effectively. Additionally, there is a need for clearer identification of key knowledge in history, geography, and design and technology. Overall, St Michael’s CofE Primary School demonstrates a commitment to providing a good quality of education, with a strong community ethos and a focus on pupil development.