Hillbrook School, located in Tooting, London, has recently undergone an inspection on June 12 and 13, 2024, and has been rated as good in overall effectiveness, quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. This marks a shift from its previous outstanding rating from a decade ago, reflecting changes in the inspection framework and the school’s ongoing development.
The school is deeply integrated into the local community, fostering a family-like atmosphere where every pupil is known and valued. Students express a sense of safety and enjoyment in attending school, and parents overwhelmingly support the school, appreciating its commitment to diversity and community building. The school effectively ensures that pupils feel welcome and included, with polite and articulate students who respect their surroundings. Instances of bullying are rare, and when they occur, staff address them promptly.
Hillbrook School offers a diverse range of extracurricular activities that cater to various interests, including football, film club, and yoga, which are well-attended and appreciated by students. Frequent trips and visits enhance the curriculum, providing valuable experiences that build confidence and prepare pupils for future educational stages. The school maintains strong communication with parents, providing them with useful information about school life.
In recent years, school leaders have been redesigning the curriculum to make it more ambitious, with a focus on improving pupils' reading and writing skills. Additional support sessions are in place for those struggling with literacy and mathematics. Subject leadership has been strengthened, particularly in literacy, leading to notable improvements in writing fluency among older pupils. In art, students produce high-quality work and demonstrate confidence in discussing their learning.
However, the impact of curriculum changes has not yet fully reflected in the outcomes for previous cohorts, and published results for 2023 do not accurately represent the preparedness of younger pupils. Some subjects have seen recent curriculum changes that have not been fully embedded, limiting pupils' deeper knowledge and skills. In early years, staff effectively develop children's communication and language through a well-planned curriculum that stimulates interests and provides meaningful learning opportunities.
Teachers regularly assess pupils' understanding and revisit prior learning, helping most students retain what they have been taught. However, in some subjects, assessment information is not utilized effectively to identify and address gaps in knowledge, leading to premature progression to new content. The school has introduced a new phonics program that has significantly improved early reading instruction, with staff well-trained to support pupils' reading and writing from nursery onwards.
The school is committed to supporting a significant number of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring their needs are identified early and met effectively. Skilled adult support in classrooms helps these pupils thrive. Clear routines and positive relationships contribute to good behaviour across the school, with recent training for staff enhancing their understanding of behaviour management.
Beyond academics, the curriculum includes leadership opportunities for pupils, promoting equality and diversity. Governors actively engage in monitoring the school's effectiveness, providing support and challenge while considering staff welfare in decision-making. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils.
To improve further, the school needs to fully embed its ambitious curriculum across all subjects to ensure consistent achievement. Additionally, the assessment systems in some foundation subjects require further development to accurately identify and address knowledge gaps, ensuring pupils are well-prepared for new content.