St Gabriel’s CofE Primary School in London has been recognized as a good school following its recent inspection on November 15 and 16, 2023. The school is characterized by a calm, caring, and welcoming environment where pupils from diverse backgrounds work and play harmoniously. The sense of belonging is strong among students, who describe the school as a ‘big family’ where everyone supports one another. Pupils feel safe and are encouraged to voice any concerns they may have.
The school aims for all pupils to achieve excellence with compassion, and this aspiration is largely realized. Pupils perform exceptionally well, particularly in writing and mathematics, and the school is actively working to elevate standards in other subjects. Behaviour is exemplary, with pupils demonstrating kindness and respect towards both adults and peers. They follow instructions promptly and engage enthusiastically in their learning.
Pupils are entrusted with various responsibilities, such as house captains and office helpers, and they take these roles seriously. The curriculum is well-structured and has recently undergone a review to enhance depth of learning. This has resulted in pupils developing a strong understanding of subject content, connecting new knowledge with prior learning. For instance, early years pupils learn about their local area, which prepares them for future studies in different regions of the UK.
Teaching at the school emphasizes the importance of subject-specific vocabulary, particularly in mathematics, where pupils confidently use terms like factors and multiples. Staff members possess strong subject knowledge, providing a range of well-planned learning opportunities that help pupils grasp new concepts effectively. The school identifies the additional needs of pupils, and in most cases, teaching is adapted to support those with special educational needs and disabilities. However, there are areas where adaptations could be improved to enhance learning outcomes for these pupils.
Early reading is a priority, with staff well-trained in delivering the phonics curriculum. Pupils regularly read books that align with their phonics knowledge, and assessment practices are robust, allowing for early identification of those who may need extra support. This proactive approach helps pupils catch up quickly if they fall behind. The love of reading is evident, as pupils enjoy hearing adults read to them daily.
Pupils are motivated and collaborate well during lessons, with minimal disruptions to learning. The school monitors attendance closely and takes timely actions to support pupils who may struggle with regular attendance. The school effectively utilizes local resources to enrich the curriculum, with pupils visiting nearby galleries and museums. They also receive education on personal safety, including online risks.
Staff members express pride in being part of the school and appreciate the supportive culture that permeates the environment. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, ensuring that pupils' welfare is prioritized. While the school has many strengths, it is recommended that it focuses on improving the effectiveness of adaptations for pupils with special educational needs in certain subjects. This will ensure that all pupils receive the support they need to thrive academically. Overall, St Gabriel’s CofE Primary School continues to provide a high-quality education, fostering a nurturing and inclusive atmosphere for all its pupils.