Manor Junior School, located in Barking, Essex, has recently undergone an ungraded inspection on September 26 and 27, 2023. The overall judgement of the school remains good, with indications that it could achieve an outstanding rating if a graded inspection were conducted. The school is characterized by a vibrant atmosphere where pupils are enthusiastic about attending and demonstrate high levels of engagement in their education. Leaders maintain high expectations for all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, as well as disadvantaged pupils. The school promotes values such as respect, which are actively encouraged by the staff.
The school environment is described as happy and stimulating, offering exceptional opportunities for pupils. They benefit from a rich array of educational experiences, including field trips and guest speakers that enhance their learning. For instance, a geography field trip to a local park allowed pupils to explore scientific habitats in depth. Additionally, pupils participate in various clubs and represent the school in numerous sporting events, fostering a sense of community and teamwork.
Leadership roles are encouraged among pupils, who engage in fundraising for selected charities. The school effectively promotes positive attitudes and conflict resolution strategies, contributing to exemplary behavior both in lessons and throughout the school. Parents and carers express strong support for the school, noting its positive impact on their children's academic and personal development.
The leadership team and governors have a clear vision focused on sustaining and enhancing the quality of education provided. They have developed an ambitious and engaging curriculum that prepares pupils for future educational stages. Subject leaders have identified essential knowledge and vocabulary for pupils to learn, and teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge, ensuring that lessons are well-structured and build on prior learning. This approach results in excellent pupil attitudes towards learning, as lessons are both interesting and intellectually stimulating.
Teachers regularly assess pupil understanding through effective questioning, allowing them to adapt their planning to address any learning gaps promptly. This strategy particularly benefits pupils with special educational needs, as staff skillfully modify tasks to ensure all pupils achieve well. The school collaborates closely with local infant and secondary schools to facilitate smooth transitions for pupils, and it provides ongoing professional development for staff, which contributes to consistently high teaching standards.
Reading is prioritized, with pupils given access to a diverse range of books and encouragement to read frequently. Tailored support is provided for weaker readers, and phonics sessions are delivered effectively. Older pupils develop fluency in reading and engage in discussions about their reading experiences. The school ensures that reading instruction is adapted for pupils with special educational needs, promoting confidence and competence in literacy.
Educational visits enrich the curriculum, allowing pupils to explore different beliefs and cultures through interfaith projects and debates on relevant issues. The school is committed to inclusivity, ensuring that all pupils, including those with special educational needs, participate fully in enrichment activities. Attendance is closely monitored, and effective systems are in place to promote regular attendance.
Governors are well-informed about the school and provide effective support and challenge to the leadership team. They consider staff workload when implementing changes, contributing to a positive working environment where staff feel valued and proud to be part of the school community. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. This inspection marks the second ungraded inspection since the school was last judged to be good in April 2018, reflecting its ongoing commitment to excellence in education.