Rush Green Primary School, located in Romford, Essex, has recently undergone an ungraded inspection on the 5th and 6th of March 2024. The overall judgement of the school remains good, with indications that it may achieve an outstanding rating in a future graded inspection. The school is characterized by a strong sense of community, encapsulated in its creed that emphasizes collaboration and shared values among pupils and staff. The school farm is a notable feature, providing students with hands-on experiences that foster social responsibility and important life skills such as empathy and teamwork.
Pupils at Rush Green Primary School express happiness and feel safe within the school environment. They trust the adults around them and are confident that any concerns will be addressed promptly. The school has a strong anti-bullying culture, supported by high expectations from leaders for all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. The ethos of the school is deeply rooted in British values, promoting personal development alongside academic achievement. Behaviour among pupils is exemplary, contributing to a conducive learning environment where students are well-prepared for their next educational steps.
The curriculum at Rush Green Primary School is ambitious and well-structured, exceeding national expectations in many areas. Leaders have carefully sequenced the knowledge and skills that pupils are expected to learn, ensuring a solid foundation for future learning. For instance, in computing, younger pupils begin with basic coding, while older students progress to more complex tasks such as creating vector graphics. In mathematics, early learners grasp fundamental concepts, which are built upon as they advance through the school. Pupils with special educational needs are effectively supported, accessing the same ambitious curriculum as their peers, with additional resources available for those with more complex needs.
Teachers at the school demonstrate strong subject knowledge and provide timely feedback to address misconceptions. They are proactive in identifying pupils who may be falling behind and offer targeted support to help them catch up. The positive attitudes of pupils towards learning are evident, as they engage attentively in lessons and collaborate respectfully with one another. The school places a strong emphasis on reading, introducing phonics early in the nursery and ensuring that reading materials are diverse and representative of the student body. Events such as stories before bedtime further promote a love of reading among pupils.
Rush Green Primary School also prioritizes the wider development of its students, encouraging participation in extracurricular activities and inviting inspirational speakers to share their experiences. The governing body provides effective support and challenge, ensuring that staff feel valued and supported in their professional development. The arrangements for safeguarding are robust, creating a safe and nurturing environment for all pupils.
Overall, Rush Green Primary School exemplifies a commitment to high standards in education, personal development, and community engagement. The school’s leadership is dedicated to fostering an inclusive and supportive atmosphere where every child can thrive academically and socially. The positive feedback from the recent inspection highlights the school's strengths and sets a promising foundation for future growth and success.