Eastbrook School, located in Dagenham, Essex, has undergone a significant transformation since its previous inspection, moving from a grade of Requires Improvement to an overall effectiveness rating of Good. The inspection, conducted on December 7 and 8, 2021, highlighted the school’s commitment to creating a safe and aspirational environment for its pupils. Leaders and staff are dedicated to fostering a culture of high expectations, ensuring that students feel secure and supported in their learning journey.
The curriculum at Eastbrook School is broad and ambitious, designed to be accessible to all pupils. Subject leaders have carefully crafted curriculum plans that identify essential knowledge for students to learn and retain. Teachers employ effective strategies to break down this knowledge into manageable steps, ensuring that pupils can grasp and apply what they learn. The school has established a positive reading culture, with a consistent phonics program that supports early literacy development. Pupils engage enthusiastically in library lessons and receive additional reading support when needed.
Behaviour and attitudes within the school are commendable, with minimal disruption to learning. Pupils are rewarded for positive behaviour, and they demonstrate respect and kindness towards one another. The school has implemented various initiatives to promote personal development, including a character curriculum aimed at instilling values of kindness and resilience. Pupils are encouraged to take on responsibilities, such as leading focus groups on important issues like diversity, and they feel their voices are heard by school leaders.
Eastbrook School has made notable strides in its leadership and management. The executive headteacher, along with the heads of primary and secondary education, has worked collaboratively to enhance the quality of education across both phases. The school’s approach to assessment is effective, allowing teachers to identify and address gaps in pupils’ knowledge. This is particularly beneficial for students who join the school mid-year, as teachers maintain high expectations for all learners, regardless of their starting points.
While the school excels in many areas, there are opportunities for improvement. Specifically, there is a need for teachers to consistently encourage pupils to use subject-specific vocabulary in their discussions and responses. This practice would enhance pupils’ understanding and ability to articulate their knowledge in greater detail. Leaders are aware of this and are committed to ensuring that teachers capitalize on opportunities to develop pupils’ vocabulary skills.
Safeguarding measures at Eastbrook School are robust, with staff trained to recognize and respond to potential risks that pupils may face outside of school. The school provides education on online safety and risk management, ensuring that pupils are well-informed about how to stay safe. The well-being of pupils is a priority, and staff are vigilant in addressing any concerns that arise.
Overall, Eastbrook School has demonstrated significant progress since its last inspection. The commitment of leaders and staff to continuous improvement is evident in the positive experiences reported by pupils. The school’s focus on high expectations, a broad curriculum, and personal development initiatives contributes to a supportive and effective learning environment. As the school continues to build on its successes, it remains dedicated to providing an excellent education for all its pupils.