Osidge Primary School, located in Southgate, London, has recently undergone an inspection on January 24 and 25, 2024, and has been rated as good overall. The school demonstrates a strong commitment to the success of its pupils, with leaders setting high expectations for all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. The inclusive and welcoming atmosphere fosters happiness and safety among pupils, who are observed to be engaged and attentive in their learning environment.
The behaviour of pupils is outstanding, with a well-implemented behaviour policy that encourages self-regulation. The school employs a unique behaviour ladder system, supported by character figures like Captain Care and Major Respect, to reinforce positive behaviour and school values. Pupils are aware of the high expectations set by adults and respond positively to them. Opportunities for responsibility, such as the Osidge Ambassadors, allow pupils to celebrate the achievements of their peers, further enhancing their sense of community.
Educational visits and fundraising activities enrich the curriculum, with pupils actively participating in events like the Christmas fair, where they manage their own stalls. The curriculum is broad and ambitious, beginning in Reception with a focus on language development through engaging activities. Phonics instruction is systematic and consistent, ensuring that all staff are well-trained to support pupils' reading skills. Regular assessments help identify pupils who may need additional support, which is promptly provided.
The mathematics curriculum has been enhanced with additional resources to meet the diverse needs of pupils, allowing them to build on prior knowledge before tackling new concepts. Teachers adapt lessons to ensure that all pupils, including those with SEND, are well-supported. The school aims to create connections across subjects, although some pupils find it challenging to articulate their learning progress in certain areas.
The school collaborates effectively with external agencies to support pupils with SEND, ensuring their needs are identified and addressed. Personal development is prioritized through various extracurricular activities, including trips and clubs, and the school has partnered with a charity to promote mental health resources for pupils.
Pupils exhibit exemplary behaviour, demonstrating eagerness to learn and respect for their peers and teachers. The school has established clear routines that contribute to a positive learning environment. Attendance is closely monitored, and the school works with local authorities to improve attendance rates, which have shown recent improvement.
Leaders are dedicated to continuous improvement, valuing staff training and well-being. Parents express high levels of satisfaction with the school, noting the approachability and supportiveness of the leadership team. Governors are actively involved in the school's development, ensuring that safeguarding measures are effective and that leaders are held accountable.
The inspection highlighted areas for improvement, particularly in ensuring that all foundation subjects have clearly defined concepts that pupils are expected to learn and retain. This will help enhance overall achievement in those subjects. The school is committed to addressing these areas while maintaining its strong focus on providing a high-quality education for all pupils.