Uxendon Manor Primary School is recognized as a good school, demonstrating a strong commitment to the education and well-being of its pupils. The school community, including pupils, leaders, staff, and families, expresses pride in their institution. Pupils feel safe and happy, engaging in their studies with enthusiasm and achieving commendable outcomes that prepare them for future educational endeavors. The curriculum is rich and inclusive, catering for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. A vibrant sense of community is evident, particularly during school events such as the annual dance competition, which fosters excitement and pride among participants and spectators alike.
Pupils exhibit positive attitudes towards learning, displaying exemplary behavior in lessons and throughout the school. They are respectful and courteous, contributing to a harmonious environment. Instances of bullying are rare and are addressed promptly when they occur. The school offers a variety of extracurricular clubs and organizes regular trips to culturally and historically significant locations, enhancing the educational experience beyond the classroom.
Parents appreciate the high level of engagement from school leaders and staff, which begins in the early years and continues through to Year 6. Staff members are well-acquainted with pupils and their families, allowing for quick resolution of any concerns, no matter how minor. The school has developed a broad and balanced curriculum, with careful consideration given to the learning progression from early years onward. In mathematics, for instance, concepts are systematically built upon, ensuring that pupils develop confidence and understanding over time.
Reading is a priority at Uxendon Manor, with leaders actively promoting literacy through various initiatives, including author visits and library trips. The early reading curriculum has been thoughtfully designed, ensuring that pupils receive a strong foundation in reading skills. Those requiring additional support are quickly identified and provided with targeted assistance from trained staff.
Teachers possess strong subject knowledge and are adept at meeting the needs of all pupils, including those with SEND. Regular communication among leaders, teachers, and parents ensures that pupils receive the necessary support. The curriculum is designed to build on prior learning, although there are instances where certain content may not receive the emphasis it requires due to a lack of clarity among teachers regarding leaders' expectations.
Pupils' behavior is exemplary, characterized by respect for adults and peers. The school fosters a culture where unkind or discriminatory language is not tolerated, creating a purposeful learning environment. High attendance rates reflect pupils' positive attitudes towards their education.
Leaders prioritize the development of pupils beyond academics, implementing a comprehensive personal, social, and health education program that teaches safety and well-being. A variety of clubs and activities nurture pupils' interests and talents, while opportunities for leadership and responsibility are abundant. Engagement with parents is strong, with many expressing gratitude for the support provided, including language classes and workshops.
The safeguarding arrangements at Uxendon Manor are effective, with a strong culture of vigilance among staff. Leaders are attuned to local issues and work collaboratively with parents to support vulnerable families. Pupils are educated on safety, including online safety, and know they can report concerns to staff.
While the school excels in many areas, there are opportunities for improvement. Some teachers may not fully implement the curriculum as intended, leading to gaps in knowledge. Leaders should ensure that teachers are clear on the key content to be taught, enabling pupils to build their understanding effectively over time. Overall, Uxendon Manor Primary School continues to provide a supportive and enriching educational experience for its pupils.