Fryent Primary School, located in Kingsbury, London, has been rated as a good school following its inspection in February 2019. The school has successfully navigated challenges related to its expansion and staffing, maintaining a high quality of education. Leaders and governors have effectively identified priorities and secured improvements in reading and writing, demonstrating a commitment to continuous development. The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment is good, with best practices shared among staff. Teachers benefit from high-quality professional development, which enhances their teaching practices.
The school has implemented new assessment systems that provide an accurate overview of pupil achievement, allowing for timely support for those who may be falling behind. Pupils with education, health, and care plans receive appropriate support and make good progress. However, there are instances where the planning for low-attaining pupils' work does not sufficiently aid their writing development.
In the early years foundation stage, the quality of provision is also good. Children make accelerated progress due to well-planned and engaging learning experiences that develop their literacy and numeracy skills. Literacy and numeracy are effectively integrated across the wider curriculum, although the depth of knowledge varies across subjects.
Pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development is well-promoted, with an emphasis on being good citizens and helping those less fortunate. Safeguarding measures are effective, ensuring that pupils feel safe and know how to protect themselves in the community.
To further improve, leaders and governors should focus on enhancing the quality of teaching and learning by ensuring that teachers have secure subject knowledge across all curriculum areas. Additionally, they should provide tailored work for low-attaining pupils to meet their needs and facilitate their progress, particularly in writing.
The leadership and management of the school are strong, with leaders setting high expectations for staff and pupils alike. The school’s development plan prioritizes improvements in reading and writing, particularly for pupils who speak English as an additional language. Whole-school initiatives have been introduced to ensure consistency in teaching and assessment, leading to improved pupil outcomes.
Governors play an active role in the school, understanding its strengths and areas for improvement. They are well-informed about the impact of leaders' actions and regularly review assessment information. Their involvement in hearing pupils read enhances their knowledge of pupil progress.
The school has created a culture of safety, with effective safeguarding practices in place. Staff are trained in safe recruitment, and there is a strong partnership with external agencies to support pupils and families in need. Parents and pupils express confidence in the school's safety measures.
Overall, Fryent Primary School demonstrates a commitment to providing a good quality of education, with effective leadership, strong teaching practices, and a supportive environment for all pupils. The school is well-positioned to continue its journey of improvement, ensuring that all pupils achieve their potential.