Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Mayfield Primary School on 8 May 2019, following its previous judgment of good in June 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has effectively addressed previous areas for improvement and has shown good development across all areas. Attendance has improved and is now in line with the national average. Standards in writing at the end of key stage 2 are above the national average, with progress significantly exceeding national figures. The school has established clear priorities for improvement, supported by detailed plans and a strong sense of teamwork among leaders and staff.
The school’s vision statement, striving together for a better future, is evident throughout the community. Parents express high regard for the school and actively collaborate with staff to support their children’s learning. The involvement of parents in early morning learning sessions has been positively received, with both parents and children valuing this experience. Feedback from the Parent View questionnaire highlights descriptors such as friendly, approachable, vibrant, and inclusive, reflecting the positive atmosphere within the school. Pupils also express appreciation for their teachers and the respectful environment among peers, demonstrating good behavior and care for one another.
The school environment is impressive, with a new building that fosters a stimulating climate for learning. Displays showcase the rich experiences available to students, contributing to their educational development. Governors play a crucial role in providing strong direction and strategic planning, while also challenging leaders on the impact of their actions. They maintain a thorough understanding of the school through regular monitoring visits.
Safeguarding practices are effective, with a strong culture of safety embedded within the school. Leaders and governors prioritize safeguarding as a shared responsibility, implementing robust recruitment processes and regular training for staff. The school collaborates closely with external agencies to address any concerns promptly. Pupils report feeling safe and receive education on personal, social, and health topics, including online safety and bullying prevention. Parents affirm that their children are well-protected in the school environment.
The inspection focused on the effectiveness of leadership in raising standards in the early years foundation stage, as previous data indicated inconsistencies in children achieving a good level of development. Leaders have identified the need for improvement and have made curriculum adjustments that are beginning to positively impact children’s development. For instance, phonics instruction has been introduced earlier in Nursery, leading to increased confidence among children in sounding out words. Parents appreciate their involvement in weekly learning sessions, and children demonstrate enthusiasm for their learning experiences.
The inspection also examined the school’s efforts to ensure that key stage 1 pupils, particularly girls, achieve expected writing standards. The school is committed to enhancing writing and reading attainment, with a well-structured writing curriculum that builds on prior learning. Work in pupils' books indicates effective planning for diverse writing purposes, although there are opportunities to further challenge pupils by introducing more advanced activities.
Finally, the wider key stage 2 curriculum contributes to pupils achieving higher reading standards. The curriculum is broad and balanced, with a focus on reading across various subjects. Pupils engage with a range of texts, including challenging materials, which enhances their writing skills. They take pride in their reading accomplishments and are eager to discuss their literary experiences. High expectations are set for reading standards, and pupils respond positively to these challenges. The school is encouraged to continue building on current improvements in writing and to enhance early years provision to further raise standards.