Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Coston Primary School on 9 July 2019, following its previous judgment of good in May 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has demonstrated a strong commitment to inclusivity and high aspirations for all pupils. Recent initiatives, such as the establishment of a specialist provision, reflect the school’s inclusive ethos. Leaders are open to feedback and have made improvements in safeguarding arrangements, including the formation of a steering group to enhance the safety and welfare of the school community. This group has focused on increasing parental awareness of online risks.
Governors play an active role in challenging school leaders, particularly regarding pupil outcomes in national assessments. They are well-informed about teaching and learning developments and engage in training to support their governance responsibilities. The school has addressed areas for improvement identified in the previous inspection, although some pupils' outcomes in certain subjects still lag behind national averages. Attendance remains a concern, with some pupils' absence contributing to underachievement.
The inspection found that safeguarding measures are effective, with all arrangements deemed fit for purpose. Staff receive regular training to address any safety issues promptly. Leaders have ensured that there is always a senior member of staff available for safeguarding concerns. The school has implemented initiatives to raise awareness of online bullying and has kept parents informed about safety measures. Pupils reported feeling safe and understood the importance of school rules, including those related to internet use.
The inspection focused on three key areas: writing outcomes at the end of key stage two, the additional resource provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities, and pupil attendance. In writing, leaders track progress effectively and have introduced strategies to enhance writing skills, including the use of quality texts to inspire pupils. While there have been improvements in writing, particularly in punctuation and depth, leaders acknowledge that the most able pupils still require further support to achieve their potential.
The additional resource provision for pupils with special educational needs has been successfully launched, with a full cohort of pupils. Leaders have worked to integrate these pupils into mainstream classrooms and have provided training for teachers to support their needs. Initial hesitance from parents has been addressed through the establishment of positive relationships based on trust.
Attendance rates have been a focus for leaders, who recognize the link between attendance and pupil outcomes. They have prioritized improving attendance and have communicated this importance to parents. The school acknowledges the diverse backgrounds of its pupils and the impact of term-time visits home on attendance rates.
Next steps for the school include ensuring that the emphasis on writing in key stage two leads to outcomes that align with national averages, particularly for the most able pupils. Additionally, efforts to improve attendance should continue to reduce absenteeism levels. The inspection findings will be shared with the governing body, regional schools commissioner, and the director of children’s services for Ealing, and the letter detailing the inspection will be published on the Ofsted website.