Derwentwater Primary School, located in Acton, London, has undergone significant improvements since its last inspection in March 2017. The school is now rated as good in overall effectiveness, leadership and management, quality of teaching, personal development, behavior and welfare, outcomes for pupils, and early years provision. The leadership team, under the headteacher, has set high expectations for both pupils and staff, leading to notable advancements in teaching quality and student learning. As a result, pupils are making good progress from their starting points.
The governing body plays an active role in the school’s development, demonstrating a clear understanding of its strengths and areas for improvement. They effectively challenge and support school leaders to ensure continued progress. Teachers are focused on developing pupils' writing skills across various contexts, although there is a need for more consistent application of these skills in other subjects. Reading standards are high, particularly in the early years, with pupils showing enthusiasm for reading and strong phonics skills. However, there is a noted gap in the application of mathematical skills in reasoning and problem-solving activities.
The school provides effective support for disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they make good progress. Feedback from leaders helps teachers enhance their practice, although evaluations of teaching in the wider curriculum could be more precise in identifying areas for improvement. Pupils feel safe and supported, exhibiting good behavior and positive attitudes in both lessons and during breaks. The early years provision is strong, with activities tailored to children's needs, fostering a love for learning.
The curriculum offers varied learning experiences that engage pupils and contribute to their personal and social development. However, there is a need for deeper knowledge and skill development in subjects beyond English and mathematics. The school promotes pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development, effectively preparing them for life in modern Britain. Attendance rates are consistently above average, reflecting pupils' enjoyment of school and the quality of care provided.
To further improve, the school aims to enhance leadership and management by ensuring that teachers plan for pupils' progression across all subjects and provide training for middle leaders responsible for raising standards in non-core subjects. Additionally, the school seeks to improve pupils' outcomes by providing planned opportunities for writing across all subjects, developing subject-specific skills in the wider curriculum, and ensuring the application of mathematical skills in reasoning and problem-solving.
The leadership team has made significant strides in improving the quality of teaching, with positive relationships fostering a conducive learning environment. Teachers utilize assessment effectively to tailor lessons to pupils' needs, and their questioning techniques encourage deep thinking. The teaching of reading and mathematics is effective, with practical resources aiding understanding. However, there is a need for more opportunities for pupils to apply their mathematical skills in real-world contexts.
Overall, Derwentwater Primary School has made commendable progress since its last inspection, with strong leadership, effective teaching, and a supportive environment contributing to good outcomes for pupils. The school community, including parents, expresses satisfaction with the improvements and the quality of education provided. The commitment to continuous development and the focus on pupil well-being are evident throughout the school.