Horsenden Primary School, located in Greenford, Middlesex, has recently undergone an inspection on the 7th and 8th of November 2023, resulting in an overall effectiveness rating of good. This marks a significant improvement from its previous inspection, which rated the school as requiring improvement. The school is characterized by a vibrant and friendly atmosphere where pupils feel safe and happy. They enjoy attending school and interact well with one another. The school maintains high expectations for all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. The ambitious curriculum encourages pupils to engage in discussions and debates, fostering an appreciation for diverse beliefs and perspectives.
Pupils exhibit positive behavior both in lessons and throughout the school environment. They demonstrate a strong attitude towards learning, and younger children in early years adapt well to routines. The school provides effective support for pupils who may struggle with behavior management, promoting kindness and respect among students. Instances of bullying are rare, and staff respond promptly to any issues that arise. The school offers a variety of opportunities for wider development, including roles such as anti-bullying ambassadors and eco ambassadors, which pupils eagerly embrace.
The curriculum at Horsenden Primary is broad and stimulating, with recent enhancements aimed at ensuring comprehensive coverage of national curriculum subjects. The knowledge pupils are expected to learn is logically sequenced, beginning in early years and revisited regularly to reinforce learning. In mathematics, for instance, pupils build confidence in reasoning and problem-solving through consistent practice. Teachers are well-equipped with subject knowledge and present information clearly, facilitating effective learning experiences for all pupils.
However, there are a few subjects where the curriculum is still in the early stages of development. Not all staff have completed the necessary training in these areas, which can lead to inconsistencies in the implementation of the intended curriculum. Consequently, some pupils may not acquire the depth of knowledge required for future learning. The school recognizes the importance of reading and prioritizes it from early years, with comprehensive training provided to staff in phonics instruction. Pupils have regular opportunities to practice reading with appropriately matched books, enabling them to develop the necessary skills for fluent reading.
The school effectively identifies the needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they have access to the same curriculum as their peers with appropriate support. High expectations for behavior are set, and staff consistently apply the behavior policy, fostering a respectful and warm environment. Pupils take pride in their achievements and appreciate the school's focus on promoting good physical and mental health.
Attendance is closely monitored, and the school works collaboratively with external agencies to address any concerns. The leadership team has a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement, with well-defined priorities for development. Professional development opportunities for staff are carefully considered to enhance their skills. The governing body shares the leadership's ambitions for the school and maintains effective oversight.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, ensuring the safety and well-being of all pupils. The school is committed to continuing its efforts to fully embed the ambitious curriculum, providing necessary training for staff and monitoring the impact of their actions. Overall, Horsenden Primary School demonstrates a strong commitment to providing a high-quality education and fostering a positive learning environment for all its pupils.