The Edward Betham Church of England Primary School has been recognized as a good school following its recent inspection. The school fosters a friendly and welcoming community where pupils are happy, resilient, and eager to learn. Leaders are ambitious for all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring that pupils achieve well academically, as evidenced by national assessment outcomes. The pride felt by pupils, staff, and parents in their school is palpable.
Pupils are encouraged to take on various responsibilities, such as assisting younger students during break times and participating in the collective worship program. The respectful relationships between staff and pupils contribute to a harmonious learning environment that promotes well-being. Positive behavior is evident throughout the school, with pupils supporting one another and feeling safe and cared for. Instances of bullying are rare, and when they occur, staff address them promptly.
The school provides valuable life experiences, including a visit to the Royal Courts of Justice for Year 6 pupils, which enhances their understanding of democracy and law. Leaders actively consider pupils' suggestions for clubs, offering a diverse range of activities such as football, basketball, choir, and crochet, which are well attended.
The curriculum is ambitious and rich, with a clear focus on essential knowledge, skills, and vocabulary. Leaders have implemented changes to promote a consistent teaching approach, and staff effectively identify and support the needs of pupils with SEND. The governing body plays a crucial role in supporting school development while prioritizing staff well-being. Continuous professional development ensures that teachers possess secure subject knowledge and present information clearly to pupils. Regular assessments help address misconceptions and reinforce prior learning.
In mathematics, for instance, Year 6 pupils apply their understanding of fractions to scale and ratio problems, using various methods to solve real-life calculations. In art and design, Year 4 pupils learn important concepts such as point of view and representation, with exposure to a diverse range of artists. The early years program effectively builds independence and understanding of foundational concepts.
However, there are areas for improvement. Occasionally, the implementation of the curriculum does not fully support pupils in deepening their knowledge or making connections to prior learning, which can hinder their ability to recall information. The school is aware of these gaps and provides targeted support, including catch-up sessions.
Early reading is a top priority, with effective training ensuring staff are well-equipped to teach reading. Pupils achieve strong phonics outcomes, and regular checks ensure they read books that match their phonics knowledge. The school promotes a love for reading through the selection of ambitious class texts.
Leaders maintain strong relationships with families, offering support and guidance through various sessions that inform parents about school systems and the curriculum. The school emphasizes attendance, rewarding regular attendance and working with families to improve rates when necessary.
The personal, social, and health education program is well-planned and age-appropriate, addressing sensitive topics with care. The school teaches respect for diverse faiths and cultures, with educational outings to local religious sites. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils.
Overall, the Edward Betham Church of England Primary School continues to provide a good education, with a strong focus on pupil well-being, academic achievement, and community involvement. The school is committed to addressing areas for improvement to enhance the learning experience for all students.