Suffolks Primary School, located in Enfield, has recently undergone an inspection that highlighted its overall effectiveness as good. The inspection took place on July 18 and 19, 2023, and the school has maintained this rating since its previous inspection in 2017. The quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision were all rated as good, indicating a consistent level of performance across various aspects of the school.
Pupils at Suffolks Primary feel valued and welcomed, appreciating the supportive and kind staff who care for them. They express enjoyment in learning about diverse religions, languages, and cultures present within the school and the wider community. The motivation for learning among pupils is evident, and they generally exhibit good behavior. When issues arise, staff address them promptly, fostering a positive environment. Activities such as circle times and assemblies encourage discussions on themes like friendship and cooperation, starting from the early years where kindness is emphasized.
During lunchtime, pupils actively help one another and take pride in their responsibilities, such as school councillors who recognize positive behavior and recyclers who contribute to maintaining cleanliness. The commitment of staff to the well-being and achievement of pupils is clear, as they work diligently to support those who may have missed learning due to frequent changes in enrollment. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive effective support from well-trained staff, including therapists.
The school has implemented a well-structured curriculum designed to build knowledge over time. Leaders have carefully determined what pupils need to learn and when, ensuring that teachers are well-prepared to deliver the curriculum. Teachers utilize their strong subject knowledge to provide activities that reinforce prior learning. For instance, Year 2 pupils applied their understanding of doubling in mathematics, while Year 3 pupils created color wheels in art based on their knowledge of primary and secondary colors.
Overall, pupils demonstrate good retention of key concepts, as evidenced by their understanding of topics such as human digestion and historical facts about Islamic civilization. However, the school has recognized that pupils' attainment in statutory assessments was below the national average in 2022. In response, leaders have made adjustments to teaching methods, increasing opportunities for deeper learning in reading, writing, and mathematics, as well as enhancing the reading program to include more challenging texts.
While teachers maintain high expectations for language and vocabulary use, there are areas where the selection of essential words and concepts could be improved. This occasionally affects how well pupils retain key concepts over time. Teachers adapt activities effectively to cater to diverse learning needs, ensuring that all pupils can grasp new ideas. The phonics program is well-implemented, enabling pupils to develop strong reading skills, and the school library is a popular resource among students.
In terms of safeguarding, the school has effective arrangements in place. Leaders integrate safeguarding into the curriculum, teaching pupils about online safety and the importance of protecting personal information. Recruitment checks for staff are thorough, and training is kept up to date to address potential risks. Staff are encouraged to report any concerns regarding pupil welfare, and leaders respond promptly to these concerns, collaborating with external professionals when necessary.
To further improve, the school should focus on enhancing assessment practices in foundation subjects to ensure that pupils' learning is accurately monitored. Additionally, leaders need to clarify the most important subject-specific ideas and vocabulary for each unit of work to prevent gaps in knowledge and facilitate better connections between concepts. Overall, Suffolks Primary School demonstrates a strong commitment to providing a supportive and effective learning environment for its pupils.