Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Vale School on June 18, 2019, which was the first since the school was rated good in October 2015. The inspection confirmed that Vale School continues to maintain its good status. The leadership team has effectively upheld the quality of education, with the governing body providing strong strategic leadership and support. Since the last inspection, leaders have implemented various improvement strategies that have enhanced the educational provision for pupils, particularly ensuring that the most able students are adequately challenged.
Staff at Vale School express high levels of satisfaction and pride in their work environment, feeling well-supported by school leaders. The school effectively utilizes its co-location with mainstream schools, allowing many pupils to participate in successful part-time and full-time placements. This inclusive practice fosters resilience among pupils and helps them feel integrated into a broader community, which parents appreciate. Despite operating across four sites, a strong sense of community prevails.
The inspection found that safeguarding measures are effective, with leaders and governors ensuring that all arrangements are robust. Detailed records and a safe culture are evident throughout the school, with all staff receiving appropriate safeguarding training. The outreach team plays a crucial role in supporting pupils who cannot attend school for medical reasons. Feedback from families indicates that the school is a safe environment where staff genuinely care for each child, and communication between home and school is highly regarded.
During the inspection, the focus was on the impact of leadership actions on maintaining high standards across the four sites, addressing pupils' communication needs, and preparing them for the wider world. Leaders recognize the importance of consistency in planning and feedback across sites. Teachers are dedicated to tailoring lessons to meet individual pupils' needs, resulting in increased engagement and curiosity about learning. However, there is room for improvement in consistently capturing what pupils know and have learned.
Leaders have a clear vision for supporting pupils with communication needs, collaborating effectively with speech and language therapists to train staff in various communication strategies. While there is a rationale for the communication systems in place, some variation in their implementation exists, limiting the overall impact. Leaders are aware of these challenges and have plans to address them.
The curriculum is evolving to meet the changing needs of pupils, with parents feeling involved in the planning process. Leaders utilize data to identify areas needing improvement, such as science, which has recently become a strength. Teaching staff possess a deep understanding of pupils' special educational needs, enabling them to set meaningful targets. Regular assessments allow for timely interventions, ensuring that most pupils make expected progress in English and mathematics.
Pupils are aware of their learning goals and celebrate achievements collectively. They express pride in their school, describing it as unique and amazing. While personal development goals are well-planned, progress towards these goals is not yet measured, limiting leaders' understanding of the full impact of their interventions.
Next steps for the school include ensuring consistent implementation of communication strategies, further developing middle leadership to maintain teaching standards, and tracking small steps in pupils' progress, including personal development, to enhance targeted support. The inspection concluded with a positive outlook on the school's ongoing efforts to provide quality education and support for all pupils.