St Alban’s Catholic Primary School has been recognized for maintaining a good quality of education since its last inspection in February 2015. The recent short inspection, conducted on 5 March 2019, confirmed that the school continues to uphold its good standards. The leadership team, under the guidance of Headteacher Mrs. Lisa Schaberg, has effectively navigated challenges, including staffing turbulence, to foster a safe and nurturing environment conducive to learning.
Mrs. Schaberg has demonstrated a passionate commitment to the school, ensuring that both pupils and staff are supported and motivated. The leadership team has successfully created a culture where pupils are eager to learn, and staff feel valued and respected. Feedback from the online inspection survey indicated that all responding staff members are proud to work at St Alban’s, highlighting the effective leadership and teamwork present within the school.
Parental feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the welcoming atmosphere and the dedication of the staff. Comments from parents on Ofsted’s Parent View platform reflect a strong sense of confidence in the school’s ability to provide a safe and nurturing environment for their children.
The school has made significant strides in addressing areas for improvement identified in the previous inspection. Notably, the proportion of high-achieving pupils in reading and mathematics at the end of Year 6 has consistently exceeded the national average over the past two years. The leadership team has also focused on enhancing teaching quality through rigorous checks and support for staff.
Classroom observations during the inspection revealed a positive learning environment, with pupils exhibiting exemplary behavior and a strong work ethic. Staff members are knowledgeable about their pupils, fostering an atmosphere of respect and encouragement.
Safeguarding measures at St Alban’s are robust and effective. The designated safeguarding leader, Mrs. Schaberg, maintains thorough and well-organized records, ensuring that staff are trained to recognize and report concerns promptly. The school has established a strong culture of safeguarding, with leaders actively engaging with external agencies when necessary to support pupils’ well-being.
Pupils at St Alban’s display exemplary behavior, with a strong sense of community and support for one another. They report that bullying is rare and feel confident in reporting any concerns to adults. The school promotes a family-like atmosphere, where pupils understand the importance of caring for one another.
While the school has made commendable progress, there are still areas identified for further development:
Mathematical Problem Solving: There is a need to provide more opportunities for pupils to apply their mathematical skills in problem-solving contexts.
Writing Opportunities: Pupils should have greater chances to engage in extended writing tasks in English to enhance their writing skills further.
To continue improving, the leadership team and governors should focus on the following:
Implement strategies to increase opportunities for pupils to apply their mathematical skills in real-world problem-solving scenarios.
Enhance the curriculum to provide more opportunities for pupils to write at length, thereby improving their writing proficiency.
St Alban’s Catholic Primary School continues to be a good school, demonstrating effective leadership, strong community engagement, and a commitment to the well-being and academic success of its pupils. The school is well-positioned to address the identified areas for improvement and further enhance the quality of education provided to its students.