Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Colham Manor Primary School on 11 June 2019, following its previous judgment of good in December 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has a clear vision focused on improving the life chances of pupils, and they are aware of both the strengths and challenges facing the school. Notably, there is a need to enhance outcomes for the most able pupils at key stage 2 and to address recent underperformance in key stage 1 compared to similar schools nationally.
The governing body plays an active role in challenging and supporting school leaders. They ensure that governors possess the necessary skills to assist in managing the school effectively. The governors conduct themed classroom visits based on the school’s development plan, which has led to positive findings regarding pupils' resilience and strategies for tackling challenges. The leadership team regularly reviews pupils' work and has established a system for middle leaders to monitor teaching quality, identifying areas for improvement.
The focus on reading and writing in key stage 2 has positively impacted pupils' communication skills. Teachers maintain high expectations, which is evident in the improvement of pupils' handwriting and their eagerness to achieve pen licenses. Current Year 2 pupils show improved attainment in reading and writing, aligning with national peers. Pupils demonstrate strong inferential skills and use context to understand new vocabulary.
Safeguarding measures at the school are effective, with a strong culture of safety established by the leadership team. Pupils feel safe and are educated on online safety, knowing whom to approach with concerns. They also express respect for diverse cultures.
The inspection focused on two main areas: the school curriculum and outcomes in key stage 1. Leaders have prioritized enhancing the curriculum to better prepare pupils for future educational stages. This has resulted in improvements in the wider curriculum, with a notable emphasis on teamwork and resilience through a growth mindset approach. Initiatives such as STEM activities engage pupils and foster collaboration with parents, enhancing learning experiences.
The second line of inquiry revealed that recent improvements in reading and writing in key stage 1 have led to better pupil progress. A systematic approach to reading has been implemented, ensuring pupils receive appropriate support to develop their skills. However, the coverage of foundation subjects in key stage 1 remains inconsistent, and leaders recognize the need to enhance this aspect of the curriculum.
Next steps for the school include raising the profile of foundation subjects in key stage 1 and ensuring that improvements in core subjects lead to better outcomes for the most able pupils. Overall, the inspection findings indicate that Colham Manor Primary School is effectively addressing its challenges while maintaining a good standard of education for its pupils. The leadership team is committed to continuous improvement, and the positive feedback from the inspection reflects the school’s dedication to fostering a supportive and enriching learning environment.