Oak Farm Primary School, located in Hillingdon, Uxbridge, was inspected on June 5 and 6, 2024, and received an overall effectiveness rating of Requires Improvement. This marks a significant decline from its previous Outstanding rating from 2008. The school has faced numerous challenges in recent years, including leadership changes, high staff turnover, and insufficient professional development, which have disrupted student learning across various year groups. The new headteacher has accurately assessed the school's current situation and is implementing action plans with clear development priorities. Staff are dedicated to driving improvements, and the school is beginning to foster better relationships with parents and carers.
Despite some positive aspects, high expectations for student behavior and conduct are not consistently upheld throughout the school. While most students are respectful and engaged during lessons, there are instances of disruptive behavior and a lack of motivation among some pupils. Staff do not consistently apply a uniform approach to managing poor behavior. The school offers a variety of extracurricular clubs and is working to enhance enrichment opportunities for students. Although pupils participate in charity events and have some understanding of British values, there are limited leadership opportunities for them to take on responsibilities.
Pupils generally feel safe and attend school regularly, although incidents of bullying and immature behavior have been reported. The school is taking steps to address these issues more effectively, which is beginning to yield positive results. The curriculum is currently under review and development, aiming to provide a broad range of subjects that align with the national curriculum. However, the precise knowledge required for some subjects is still being defined, and the implementation of the new curriculum in classrooms is not yet fully realized.
While many pupils achieve well in mathematics and English by the end of Year 6, there is a noticeable lack of depth in the curriculum for other subjects, particularly for students with special educational needs and disabilities. The ambition for what these pupils can achieve is not consistently high, leading to gaps in their knowledge and understanding. The school is prioritizing reading and has introduced a phonics program, but some staff lack adequate training to deliver it effectively, resulting in varied progress among pupils.
Teachers' subject expertise is inconsistent, and there has been insufficient professional development to ensure high-quality teaching. Learning objectives are not always clear, and teachers do not routinely check for understanding or reinforce key concepts. In the early years, while activities are well-resourced, children are not always directed towards them, leading to missed learning opportunities.
The school is developing a new behavior policy, but its application is not yet consistent. Leaders have addressed immediate concerns, resulting in improved conduct around the school. The school is expanding its offerings to promote pupils' wider development, including a range of clubs and enrichment activities. Leaders are consulting with parents and pupils about changes, fostering a sense of community.
Overall, while there are positive developments underway, significant work remains to ensure that the curriculum is effectively sequenced, that pupils with special educational needs receive a high-quality education, and that behavior management expectations are clearly communicated and understood. The school must also enhance professional development for staff to improve teaching quality and support struggling readers more effectively.