Wellington Primary School, located in Hounslow, London, has been recognized for its overall effectiveness as a good school following an inspection in June 2019. The leadership and management of the school are deemed good, with governors demonstrating a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. They are ambitious for the pupils and maintain a broad overview of the school's strengths. The headteacher and senior leaders have fostered a positive culture where staff feel valued, and pupils, parents, and carers express satisfaction with the school environment. Staff receive a range of training that enhances their skills and teaching practices.
The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment is also rated as good. Teachers possess strong subject knowledge, and in the best instances, effective planning leads to good pupil progress. However, this level of teaching consistency is not yet uniform across the school. The curriculum allows pupils to explore subjects creatively, and they benefit from a variety of extracurricular activities. Writing instruction is a notable strength, with pupils achieving high standards and making rapid progress. While behavior is generally good, there are instances where teachers do not provide sufficient challenge for the most able pupils, which can hinder their progress.
In the early years provision, the school excels, providing an outstanding start to education. Children in Reception make rapid progress from low starting points, particularly in phonics, writing, and number skills. The school promotes pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development effectively. To improve further, the school aims to enhance teaching and assessment by ensuring that questioning is consistently effective, understanding is checked systematically, and tasks are reshaped to provide appropriate support and challenge.
The effectiveness of leadership and management is characterized by a strong vision encapsulated in the motto Right Start, Bright Future. Middle leaders are enthusiastic and knowledgeable, playing a crucial role in curriculum development. The school utilizes additional funding effectively, targeting resources to support disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs. The curriculum is designed to provide rich learning experiences, including trips and extracurricular activities that enhance pupils' education.
Governance is effective, with governors regularly visiting the school and understanding its context. They monitor additional funding closely and focus on improving provision for all pupils. The arrangements for safeguarding are robust, with a strong culture of safety prioritized by leaders. Staff are well-trained in safeguarding practices, ensuring that pupils are protected and supported.
The quality of teaching is good, with a calm learning environment and positive pupil attitudes. However, there are occasions when pupils wait for instructions rather than taking initiative in their learning. Teachers encourage the use of thinking skills, and while additional support is well-targeted, there is room for improvement in challenging all pupils consistently.
Pupils' personal development and welfare are good, with a strong sense of rights and responsibilities. They feel safe and understand how to keep themselves safe in various situations. The behavior of pupils is generally good, with minimal disruption in lessons. Attendance has been below the national average but is improving due to careful monitoring and various initiatives.
Overall, Wellington Primary School demonstrates good outcomes for pupils, with strong performance in phonics and above-average attainment in key stage assessments. The school is addressing gaps in reading and ensuring that all pupils, including those with special educational needs, make good progress. The early years provision is outstanding, with children making substantial progress and being well-prepared for future learning. The school community is positive, with parents expressing high satisfaction with the education their children receive.