Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School on December 4, 2018, following its previous judgment of good in October 2014. The leadership team has successfully maintained the quality of education, demonstrating improvements in various key areas since the last inspection. The headteacher, Mrs. Frances Robertson, has focused on enhancing staff confidence and skills, which has positively impacted learning outcomes. The school has implemented effective checks on learning, allowing for early identification of underachievement. Staff development has been supported through internal training and collaboration with other schools, raising expectations for pupil capabilities and improving teaching quality. However, some variability in teaching quality remains, particularly in the wider curriculum.
Evidence from the inspection indicates notable improvements in early years and Key Stage 1 learning. Assessment data shows that progress in Key Stage 2 has improved, especially in reading and mathematics. Stakeholders, including pupils, parents, and carers, acknowledge the significant advancements made in these areas. The school has effectively narrowed the progress gap between different pupil groups, although writing quality in the wider curriculum still requires further enhancement. The leadership team is aware of this and has begun initiatives to address it.
The school environment is inclusive and welcoming, fostering the development of pupils' personal and social skills. Opportunities for pupil involvement in their learning contribute positively to their aspirations for future success. Active engagement in lessons is increasingly evident, with pupils taking responsibility for their learning. Safeguarding measures are robust, with effective arrangements in place to ensure pupil safety. The leadership team has established a culture of vigilance, supported by regular training and open communication regarding potential concerns. Staff are well-informed about reporting procedures, and prompt action is taken when necessary. Pupils are educated on internet safety and emotional management, which helps them learn confidently.
The inspection focused on two main areas: the challenge in mathematics for Key Stage 2 pupils and the progress in writing across the school. The findings revealed that the school has made strides in providing greater mathematical challenges, particularly for the most able pupils. Collaborative lesson planning has led to effective opportunities for deeper learning in mathematics, although not all teachers consistently utilize assessment information to maintain high challenge levels. In writing, progress has been average, but inspection evidence suggests that the quality of writing is better than published data indicates. Teachers effectively model writing features and support pupils in expressing their ideas.
Next steps for the school include ensuring that teachers use assessment information more skillfully to provide appropriate challenges in mathematics and writing. Additionally, there is a need for pupils to apply their mathematical reasoning and writing skills across the wider curriculum, similar to their performance in English and mathematics lessons. The leadership team is committed to addressing these areas to further enhance the educational experience for all pupils. The inspection findings will be shared with relevant stakeholders, and the letter will be published on the Ofsted website.