Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Poplar Primary School on 8 May 2019, with the findings indicating that the school continues to maintain a good standard of education since its last inspection in July 2015. The leadership team has effectively addressed areas for development identified in previous inspections, demonstrating a clear understanding of the school's strengths and weaknesses. The training and empowerment of middle leaders have resulted in improvements in teaching and learning quality, particularly in mathematics, where more children in the early years are now exceeding early learning goals.
Pupils at Poplar Primary School exhibit positive behavior, being polite, courteous, and engaged in their learning experiences. They express pride in their contributions to school life and appreciate the consideration given to their views by school leaders. Parents and carers echo this sentiment, highlighting the school as a focal point in the community. The governing body is actively involved, providing timely challenges to leaders and demonstrating a commitment to securing improvements for pupil progress.
Safeguarding measures at the school are robust, with leaders, governors, and staff working collaboratively to maintain a culture of vigilance. Staff receive appropriate training to identify and address any issues promptly, and there is effective collaboration with external agencies to support vulnerable pupils. Pupils feel safe and know whom to approach with concerns, demonstrating an understanding of how to keep themselves safe in various contexts, including online.
The inspection focused on writing as a key area for improvement, as progress in this subject had not been as strong as in others. In key stage 1, pupils have ample opportunities to develop their writing skills, receiving timely support from adults. However, there is a need for pupils to apply their spelling and punctuation skills more consistently in extended writing. In key stage 2, pupils are becoming more ambitious in their writing, but the most able pupils, particularly those who are disadvantaged, require more challenge to achieve greater depth.
Mathematics was also identified as a key area of inquiry, with pupils showing significant progress over the past three years. Teachers have a strong understanding of the standards required and provide effective support for the most able pupils, enabling them to achieve greater depth in their learning. The curriculum is designed to ensure strong progress across various subjects, with pupils excelling in history and geography, demonstrating a solid understanding of chronology and geographical concepts.
In art and physical education, pupils enjoy opportunities to develop their skills and demonstrate effective teamwork and strategy formulation. The next steps for the school include ensuring that in key stage 1, pupils routinely apply their spelling and punctuation skills in extensive writing, and in key stage 2, that the most able pupils are sufficiently challenged to achieve greater depth in their writing. Overall, the inspection findings affirm that Poplar Primary School continues to provide a good quality of education, with effective leadership and a commitment to continuous improvement.