Gordon Primary School, located in Ilford, Essex, has recently undergone an inspection on February 7 and 8, 2024, and has been rated as good overall. The school demonstrates a calm and orderly environment where pupils feel happy and safe. Children in the early years are encouraged to be independent and work collaboratively. The school effectively instills its routines and rules, leading to sensible behavior among pupils both in classrooms and throughout the school premises.
The school offers a variety of experiences aimed at nurturing pupils' understanding of citizenship and social responsibilities. Pupils are encouraged to reflect on their roles in society and engage in clubs that discuss global and local issues. They are taught to respect and be kind to others, fostering a positive school culture. Staff members are ambitious for all pupils, preparing them for future educational stages and adult life through scholarship programs and university visits. During work week, pupils explore various careers and their connections to school subjects, alongside lessons on financial management.
The curriculum at Gordon Primary School is ambitious, well-structured, and clearly outlines what pupils will learn over time. This organization aids teachers in delivering lessons effectively, ensuring that knowledge builds progressively. Subject leaders are knowledgeable and proactive in improving curriculum quality, while the governing body provides effective oversight and support. Teachers possess strong subject knowledge and deliver lessons with clarity, enabling pupils to recall and connect their learning across different topics. However, there are instances where checks on pupils' understanding and knowledge gaps are not as thorough, which can lead to some weaknesses in knowledge retention.
Reading is prioritized throughout the school, with ample opportunities for practice and a systematic approach to phonics instruction. Staff are well-trained and provide support for pupils who struggle, ensuring they catch up quickly and develop confidence in their reading abilities. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are included in all aspects of school life, with teachers adapting their methods to ensure equitable access to learning. Leaders collaborate with external professionals to conduct thorough assessments, benefiting pupils with additional support.
The school's personal, social, and health education curriculum effectively prepares pupils for life in modern Britain. Pupils learn about safety, healthy relationships, and the consequences of poor decisions through workshops and external partnerships. The school enriches the curriculum with visits from authors and poets, as well as trips to museums and places of worship. A wide range of clubs is available to nurture pupils' interests and talents.
Gordon Primary School has made significant efforts to improve attendance rates, implementing robust measures to identify and address attendance concerns. Leaders engage with parents to understand and resolve issues related to non-attendance, resulting in most pupils attending regularly.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. However, to further enhance the quality of education, the school should ensure that all teachers routinely check what pupils know and remember to identify and address any gaps in knowledge. Overall, Gordon Primary School is a supportive and effective learning environment that prioritizes the well-being and development of its pupils.