Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Newbury Park Primary School on 12 June 2019, following its previous judgment of good in November 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has effectively addressed the issues raised in the previous inspection, particularly in eliminating weak teaching and ensuring consistency in teaching and learning across Nursery and Reception. By the end of key stage two, pupils generally make good progress in reading and mathematics. However, the school has identified the need to strengthen pupils' oracy skills to enhance their reading and writing standards, which is a key priority in the school development plan.
Pupils demonstrate a positive attitude towards school, attending regularly and exhibiting very good behavior in class and around the school. They express enthusiasm for their work and achievements, treating each other and staff with respect. The school environment is orderly and stimulating, showcasing pupils' work through colorful displays. Feedback from parents indicates satisfaction with the school's performance, highlighting the good progress their children make due to the feedback received from teachers.
Governors support the school and recognize the improvements made since the headteacher's appointment. They acknowledge the significant enhancement in the quality of teaching, learning, and assessment. However, they have noted that the success criteria in the school development plan need to be more measurable to evaluate school improvement effectively.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with a positive culture for keeping pupils safe. Staff understand that safeguarding is a collective responsibility, and they receive regular training to fulfill their legal duties. The school's single central record is accurate and regularly checked by governors. Parents feel confident that their children are safe and well cared for, and pupils have a good understanding of bullying and online safety.
The inspection focused on three key lines of inquiry. The first examined how leaders are improving writing outcomes across key stages one and two. Leaders have introduced new strategies for teaching writing, resulting in rapid improvements in standards. Teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge and provide pupils with ample opportunities to write at length, using high-quality texts to engage them.
The second line of inquiry evaluated improvements in the early years foundation stage. Leaders have taken clear actions to address inconsistencies between Nursery and Reception, leading to a smoother transition and greater consistency in provision. The proportion of children achieving a good level of development aligns with national figures.
The third line of inquiry assessed the sustainability of improvements in mathematics. The school has maintained above-average progress in mathematics, with a focus on developing mathematical language and consistency in teaching. The deployment of knowledgeable teachers in every year group has facilitated effective sharing of strategies to address gaps in learning.
Next steps for the school include ensuring that actions in the school development plan are accurately evaluated and measured to support strong progress for all pupils across the curriculum. The inspection findings highlight the school's commitment to continuous improvement and the positive impact of leadership on the quality of education provided to pupils.