Orleans Primary School, located in Twickenham, has recently undergone an inspection that highlighted its overall effectiveness as good, with outstanding ratings in behavior and attitudes, personal development, and early years provision. The school has maintained a positive reputation since its last inspection ten years ago, where it was rated outstanding. The long gap between inspections was due to legal exemptions from routine inspections until November 2020. The current inspection reflects the school's performance under the latest framework and considers any changes since the last graded inspection.
Pupils at Orleans Primary School report feeling safe and happy in a warm and friendly environment. The curriculum is designed to provide a broad and enriched education, which pupils enjoy, leading to extremely high attendance rates. The school fosters a culture of motivation and respect, with pupils demonstrating calm and orderly conduct throughout the school. They are encouraged to develop resilience and view challenges as opportunities for growth. Early years children quickly learn emotional awareness and kindness, contributing to a courteous and polite atmosphere.
The school offers a variety of enrichment activities that enhance pupils' life experiences, including trips, clubs, and responsibilities such as managing the school’s allotment and chickens. Collaboration with local secondary schools helps prepare pupils for future transitions and deepens their learning in various subjects. High expectations for achievement are set for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Parents and carers generally express positive views about their children's experiences at the school, contributing to a growing sense of community.
The curriculum is ambitious and broad, with leaders carefully selecting essential knowledge and sequencing it effectively to build strong understanding. The early years curriculum lays a solid foundation for future learning, with engaging resources that promote exploration and discovery. Enrichment activities are thoughtfully integrated to bring learning to life, such as Year 6 pupils visiting Bletchley Park to enhance their understanding of mathematics and history. Teachers introduce new concepts creatively, ensuring that pupils engage actively in their learning.
However, the inspection identified areas for improvement. While teaching is generally effective, there are instances where understanding is not consistently checked before moving on to new content. Some misconceptions may go unaddressed, leading to gaps in knowledge. Additionally, while the school has made strides in supporting pupils with special educational needs, there are occasions when expectations for these pupils are not as high as they should be, and necessary support is not consistently implemented.
Reading is prioritized at the school, with an effective phonics program in place. Pupils are provided with books that match their learning, and progress is monitored closely. This approach fosters fluency and confidence in reading, supported by a strong culture of reading throughout the school.
Overall, Orleans Primary School is characterized by a positive learning environment, high expectations, and a commitment to personal development. The leadership team is dedicated to continuous improvement, ensuring that all pupils receive the support they need to thrive academically and socially. The school community is proud of its inclusive ethos, welcoming all pupils and fostering a sense of belonging. The inspection has provided valuable insights that will guide the school in addressing areas for growth while continuing to build on its strengths.