Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Buckingham Primary School on 19 June 2019, following its previous judgment of good in September 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, under the guidance of Headteacher Ms. Caroline Boyle, effectively manages the school, prioritizing pupils' learning and well-being. Leaders at all levels demonstrate a strong understanding of their pupils and families, using this knowledge to drive improvements.
The leadership team, including governors, accurately evaluates the school's performance and identifies areas for further development. Their improvement planning addresses identified weaknesses, and regular checks ensure that staff actions positively impact pupil outcomes. The school has made significant progress in addressing previous areas for improvement, particularly through investment in high-quality professional development for staff. Collaboration with the local authority and other schools has enhanced teachers' subject knowledge, leading to improvements in teaching and learning.
In the early years, leaders have created numerous opportunities for children to develop their reading, writing, and mathematics skills, both indoors and outdoors. Consequently, a higher proportion of children now achieve the early learning goals in these subjects. Parents and carers express high levels of satisfaction with the school, appreciating the approachable nature of staff and the enriching opportunities provided for pupils. Feedback from parents highlights the school's friendly and family-oriented atmosphere, even as it has grown in size.
Governors are dedicated to ensuring that all pupils, regardless of their starting points, make strong progress across the curriculum. They provide timely challenges to leaders and strategically deploy resources to support pupils needing additional help. Safeguarding measures are effective, with thorough checks on staff suitability and well-maintained records. The safeguarding team monitors concerns for vulnerable pupils, ensuring swift action is taken when necessary. Pupils report feeling safe at school, with rare instances of bullying, and they know whom to approach with concerns.
The inspection focused on writing as a key area of inquiry due to historically low progress in this subject for key stage two pupils, particularly disadvantaged pupils. Leaders have identified this as a priority and have made strides in improving writing standards, with current assessments indicating expected attainment above the national average. The school has enhanced the range of texts available for pupils, fostering a love for reading and writing. Teachers have received extensive training to improve their writing instruction, and support staff are effectively deployed.
Reading has also seen improvements, with leaders reviewing teaching methods to enhance comprehension skills. Pupils demonstrate strong reading abilities and express enthusiasm for books. Mathematics is a strength of the school, with a well-structured curriculum that builds on prior learning. Pupils engage in challenging activities, developing their reasoning skills and articulating their mathematical understanding confidently.
Next steps for the school include ensuring that all pupils, particularly disadvantaged ones, make strong progress in writing to reach their full potential. The inspection findings indicate a positive trajectory for the school, with effective leadership and a commitment to continuous improvement evident throughout the school community. The dedication of staff, governors, and parents contributes to a supportive environment where pupils can thrive academically and socially.