The John Fisher School, located in Purley, Surrey, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on June 20 and 21, 2023. The school offers a vibrant environment where pupils engage in a variety of clubs and trips, including international visits to cities like New York and Barcelona. A significant number of students participate in sports, representing the school in numerous fixtures, including those held on Saturday mornings. Parents and carers generally express satisfaction with the school, noting that their children feel happy and safe. The school emphasizes the importance of mental health and well-being, providing trained ‘wellbeing listeners’ for students to discuss any concerns.
The school fosters a positive atmosphere where most pupils exhibit good behavior and a strong work ethic in lessons. Students are educated on the importance of respecting diversity and understanding different faiths and beliefs. The leadership has cultivated a sense of community, often referred to as the ‘Fisher Family.’ The school has high aspirations for its students, evident in the increasing number of pupils pursuing the English Baccalaureate.
The curriculum is thoughtfully designed, offering a wide range of subjects, including ancient history and economics at both GCSE and A level. Pupils in Year 9 benefit from shorter thematic units that assist them in making informed option choices. However, some students, particularly those with special educational needs and disabilities, do not have equal access to the full curriculum, as they may be withdrawn from modern foreign language classes for additional support in literacy and social-emotional needs.
In the sixth form, students have access to a broad curriculum, including A levels and vocational qualifications. The school has improved its support for pupils with special educational needs, ensuring their needs are identified and addressed. While staff employ various strategies to assist these students, there are instances where support for those with education, health, and care plans could be more effective, particularly in enhancing their writing skills.
Teachers demonstrate a strong understanding of their subjects and generally provide clear explanations to help students build a solid knowledge base. However, there are occasions when the activities chosen by teachers do not fully support the depth of knowledge that students could achieve. Additionally, some teachers may move on to new topics too quickly, leaving gaps in students' understanding.
The school community actively participates in fundraising for various charities, and students in the sixth form develop leadership skills through mentoring roles. The governing body has recently undergone significant changes, including new leadership, but the quality of information provided to governors needs improvement to enhance their ability to hold school leaders accountable.
The safeguarding arrangements at The John Fisher School are effective, with leaders implementing various support systems to ensure student safety and well-being. Most pupils report feeling safe at school, and leaders provide resources for students to seek help regarding their well-being.
To improve, the school needs to address variations in curriculum delivery among teachers and ensure that all pupils, especially those with special educational needs, have equal access to the curriculum. Additionally, the governing body should prioritize enhancing the quality of information received from school leaders to better fulfill their accountability role. Overall, The John Fisher School continues to provide a supportive and enriching educational experience for its students.