Following a monitoring inspection of Story Wood School and Children’s Centre on June 22, 2015, it was confirmed that the school has maintained high standards of behavior and attitudes since its previous inspection. The inspection was prompted by concerns regarding pupil behavior, and it was conducted under the Education Act 2005. The inspector visited classrooms, observed behavior during playtime and lunchtime, and gathered feedback from parents and staff.
The school is an average-sized primary institution with a significant proportion of pupils eligible for pupil premium funding, indicating a higher than average level of socio-economic disadvantage. A notable number of pupils come from minority ethnic backgrounds, and many speak English as an additional language. The school has a diverse student body, with a quarter of pupils identified as having special educational needs or disabilities.
Since the last inspection in December 2013, the school has successfully upheld its reputation for excellent behavior and positive attitudes towards learning. The leadership team has high expectations for both pupils and staff, focusing on improving educational provision. Observations during the inspection revealed that behavior in lessons and around the school is consistently positive, with pupils demonstrating self-control and a clear understanding of behavioral expectations. Relationships between staff and pupils are characterized by respect and warmth, contributing to a supportive learning environment.
The school has made significant strides in reducing fixed-term exclusions, which were previously above the national average. A revised behavior policy has been implemented, emphasizing support for pupils exhibiting challenging behavior. As a result, there have been no exclusions since the spring term of 2014. Pupils reported that any instances of poor behavior are addressed fairly, and they receive assistance in making better choices.
Classrooms are described as well-ordered and engaging, with pupils actively participating in their learning. The inspector noted that lessons are conducted smoothly, with pupils eager to share their ideas. The positive atmosphere extends to the playground, where adult supervision ensures safe and appropriate play. Pupils are friendly and polite, and they have access to various play equipment that encourages creativity.
The school’s behavior policy is consistently applied, with initiatives such as the nomination of a Very Important Person each day to promote positive reinforcement among pupils. Students expressed that this practice helps them feel valued and fosters a culture of appreciation. Additionally, end-of-term rewards for good behavior are determined by the pupils themselves, reinforcing their responsibility for their actions.
Pupils demonstrated a clear understanding of the behavior policy and the consequences of poor behavior. They feel safe at school and recognize the difference between bullying and unkindness. The school maintains a zero-tolerance stance on bullying, including racist and homophobic behavior, which is rarely reported. The behavior policy is supported by thorough training for staff, ensuring that pupils are kept safe from various risks, including radicalization.
Overall, the school’s efforts to monitor and improve behavior have proven effective, with a strong emphasis on creating a safe and nurturing environment for all students. The positive feedback from pupils and the successful implementation of supportive measures highlight the school’s commitment to fostering a conducive learning atmosphere.