Rednal Hill Junior School, located in Birmingham, has recently undergone an inspection that has resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good. This marks a significant improvement from its previous inspection, which rated the school as requiring improvement. The inspection took place on the 26th and 27th of September 2023, and the findings reflect positively on various aspects of the school’s operations.
Pupils at Rednal Hill Junior School express happiness and satisfaction with their school experience. They enjoy strong relationships with both their peers and staff, contributing to a positive school environment. The school demonstrates high aspirations for all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Opportunities for enrichment, such as educational trips to the Black Country Museum and the Thinktank Science Museum, are well-received and discussed with enthusiasm by the pupils.
The school has established clear expectations for behavior, referred to as the ‘golden norms.’ Pupils adhere to these standards, treating one another with respect and engaging confidently with visitors. The supportive atmosphere ensures that students feel safe and know where to seek help if needed. Their positive attitudes towards learning are evident, as they build a strong vocabulary and demonstrate effective reading skills.
The school actively encourages pupils to engage with their community, supporting national charities and local initiatives like the food bank. Students take on various roles within the school, such as house captains and peer mediators, fostering a sense of responsibility and involvement in school life.
A thorough review of the curriculum has been conducted, particularly in core subjects such as reading, writing, mathematics, and science, where pupil achievement is on the rise. Curriculum plans are designed to specify the knowledge pupils need to acquire, although some subjects require further development to ensure consistency across the board. Teachers effectively connect new learning with prior knowledge, enhancing pupils' understanding and retention of information.
The school has made significant strides in supporting pupils with special educational needs. Those with educational, health, and care plans receive appropriate support, and the school has established robust systems for identifying individual needs. However, there are areas where support could be more precise, allowing all pupils to access the full curriculum and achieve their potential.
Reading is prioritized, with a strong emphasis on phonics training for staff. Pupils are encouraged to read widely, and the school collaborates with families to promote reading at home. This focus on literacy contributes to pupils’ overall academic success.
Pupils learn about healthy relationships and safety, including online safety, which is communicated to parents and carers. They also gain an understanding of various faiths through visits to places of worship. Attendance rates are generally good, although the school continues to work with families to address issues of persistent absenteeism.
Staff members report feeling well-supported, with meaningful professional development opportunities provided by school leaders. The governing body plays an active role in supporting and challenging school leadership effectively.
The inspection highlighted areas for improvement, particularly in ensuring that all subject areas are equally developed to enhance pupil achievement across the curriculum. Additionally, the school must continue to refine support for pupils with special educational needs to ensure they can fully engage with their education. Improving attendance remains a priority to support the academic and social development of all pupils. Overall, Rednal Hill Junior School is making commendable progress in providing a quality education for its students.