Stechford Primary School is recognized as a good school, providing a welcoming and friendly environment for its pupils. The school is located in Birmingham and has a strong sense of community, with staff who are deeply familiar with their pupils and their families. This connection fosters a supportive atmosphere where pupils feel happy and well cared for. The behavior of pupils is commendable, as they navigate the school calmly and exhibit politeness towards visitors. The school environment is bright and engaging, with displays that celebrate pupils' work, contributing to a purposeful learning atmosphere.
Pupils feel secure in expressing their concerns to adults, knowing that staff will address any issues promptly. The school has high aspirations for all its pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. It ensures that these pupils are fully included in all aspects of school life. The majority of parents and carers express satisfaction with the school and the support it provides, particularly for children with special educational needs.
The school has made significant strides in recovering from the sudden loss of its previous headteacher in November 2022. Through teamwork and support from external agencies, the school has successfully navigated this challenging period. The curriculum has been reviewed and is now vibrant and well-structured, meeting the diverse needs of pupils. Learning is designed to build logically, with assessments integrated to ensure that staff are clear on what to teach and when.
Staff are well-supported and trained, enabling them to deliver high-quality education. The early years program is particularly effective, with established routines that promote language development and support children's progress. Pupils throughout the school enjoy their learning experiences and can articulate what they have learned. The school has identified gaps in learning and has adapted its lessons to address these, ensuring that pupils retain knowledge over time.
The teaching of early reading is well-implemented, with children in the early years engaging enthusiastically in phonics and reading activities. Staff have received appropriate training to deliver the phonics scheme effectively, helping children, including those with limited English, to quickly develop their reading skills. The school is committed to fostering a love of reading, supported by new texts and library resources.
While the writing curriculum is in the early stages of refinement, there are positive signs of improvement. The school recognizes the need to provide more opportunities for pupils to develop their writing skills. Although some writing samples demonstrate higher standards, there is still work to be done to ensure that all pupils can write effectively for their age.
The school effectively adapts its curriculum to meet the needs of pupils with special educational needs, ensuring they receive the necessary support to make progress both academically and emotionally. Attendance is prioritized, with efforts made to engage parents in understanding its importance.
Stechford Primary School offers a variety of extracurricular activities, allowing pupils to take on roles and responsibilities that enhance their school experience. Staff feel valued and supported, with a manageable workload. The governing body provides effective oversight and support to school leaders.
The arrangements for safeguarding are robust, ensuring that pupils are safe and well-protected. However, the school needs to develop systematic strategies to monitor the impact of its curriculum across all subjects. This will help leaders ensure that the curriculum is effective and that pupils make the best possible progress. Additionally, the writing curriculum requires further development to align with the high standards set in other subjects. Overall, Stechford Primary School continues to provide a good education, with a strong commitment to improvement and the well-being of its pupils.