Lindsworth School, located in Birmingham, caters to pupils with social, emotional, and mental health difficulties. The school has a total of 120 students aged 9 to 16, all of whom have an Education, Health, and Care plan. The recent inspection conducted on June 7 and 8, 2022, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of Requires Improvement, with the quality of education also rated as Requires Improvement. However, the school demonstrated good performance in areas such as behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management.
The inspection highlighted the strong relationships between staff and pupils, fostering a supportive environment where pupils feel safe and valued. Staff are committed to providing high-quality care and support, effectively addressing issues like bullying when they arise. Despite the positive atmosphere, the report noted that some pupils could achieve better academically. This is attributed to staff not consistently considering the full range of additional difficulties pupils face when planning and delivering lessons.
The school has made significant efforts to prepare pupils for life after school, ensuring they acquire appropriate qualifications and essential skills for their future education. Almost all pupils transition to further education or training upon leaving Lindsworth. The curriculum is broad and well-planned, allowing pupils to study a variety of subjects. However, the delivery of the curriculum is inconsistent, with some staff not effectively presenting information or checking pupils' understanding.
Staff are aware of the primary needs of pupils, particularly in social, emotional, and mental health. However, many pupils have additional needs, such as communication difficulties, which are not always adequately addressed. This lack of awareness can hinder some pupils' progress. Reading is promoted effectively throughout the school, with staff dedicated to ensuring all pupils become proficient readers.
The school excels in promoting personal development through a comprehensive personal, social, and health education program. Pupils receive tailored careers education, helping them make informed decisions about their futures. A variety of extracurricular activities and offsite visits are offered, enhancing pupils' self-confidence and broadening their horizons.
Leaders and staff are committed to improving the school, with strong leadership guiding the institution through a period of turbulence. Staff appreciate the efforts made to manage their workload and improve the school environment. However, attendance remains a concern, with some pupils not attending regularly enough, partly due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Leaders are actively working to address this issue by engaging with families to encourage better attendance.
The safeguarding arrangements at Lindsworth School are effective, with staff trained to recognize signs that pupils may need additional support. Pupils feel safe and well cared for, and the school provides comprehensive education on maintaining positive mental health.
To improve, the school needs to enhance staff awareness of pupils' special educational needs beyond their primary focus. Leaders should ensure that teaching approaches are consistently effective, enabling pupils to grasp new concepts more quickly. By addressing these areas, Lindsworth School can better support its pupils in achieving their full potential.