Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Wyken Croft Primary School on 13 June 2019, with the findings indicating that the school continues to maintain a good standard of education since its last inspection in April 2015. The leadership team, including the headteacher, governors, and staff, has successfully upheld the school’s vision of aspiring, believing, and achieving together. The school fosters a positive and inclusive learning environment, where each of the over 850 pupils is valued as an individual. Staff members demonstrate pride in their work, contributing to a culture of calm and orderly conduct.
The leadership and governance are committed to providing a rich curriculum that allows pupils to develop their skills across various subjects. The quality of display work, particularly in art, reflects the diverse opportunities available to students. Parents appreciate the support their children receive, with many expressing that the recognition of even small achievements significantly boosts their children's confidence. Most parents report that their children are happy and feel safe at school.
Pupils exhibit hard work and diligence, displaying friendliness and politeness. They understand the school’s values, which emphasize aspiration, collaboration, independence, and self-belief. Their behavior is commendable, and they enjoy learning together. The school offers engaging subjects, with pupils particularly enjoying mathematics, art, and residential trips.
The leadership team has effectively addressed previous areas for improvement, enhancing the quality of teaching and pupil achievement. Subject leaders regularly monitor teaching and learning, contributing positively to pupil progress. However, there remains a need to improve writing instruction and reduce persistent absenteeism.
Safeguarding measures are robust, with a strong culture of safety established throughout the school. The leadership has ensured that all safeguarding arrangements are effective, and designated safeguarding leaders possess comprehensive knowledge of vulnerable pupils. Staff are well-trained in safeguarding protocols, including online safety, and parents are provided with resources to support their children’s safety at home and school.
The inspection highlighted the effective development of the school’s leadership structure to accommodate the growing pupil population. Senior and middle leaders understand their roles and responsibilities, working cohesively to ensure consistent teaching quality. Staff benefit from focused training and collaboration with a partner school, which enhances teaching practices.
Governance is highly effective, with committed governors who hold leaders accountable through rigorous questioning. The inspection focused on the support provided for disadvantaged pupils in reading, revealing that current disadvantaged pupils are making good progress due to investments in engaging reading materials and targeted support.
The inspection also examined how well disadvantaged and high-ability pupils are supported in writing. While good-quality support is evident, there are still challenges in ensuring that a higher proportion of pupils reach greater depth in writing. The inspection noted that expectations for writing need to be raised further.
In mathematics, the school has made strides in improving middle-ability pupils' progress, with secure calculation skills and confident explanations of learning observed. Attendance monitoring has been strengthened, with various strategies implemented to address persistent absence, although attendance remains slightly below the national average.
Next steps for the school include raising teachers’ expectations regarding pupils’ writing and continuing efforts to improve attendance and reduce persistent absence. The inspection concluded that the school is on a positive trajectory, with effective leadership and a commitment to continuous improvement.