King Henry VIII School, located in Coventry, offers a nurturing and engaging environment for children aged three to eleven. The school is part of the Coventry School Foundation and shares its campus with the senior school, providing a seamless transition for students as they progress through their education. The junior school, while not architecturally striking, boasts welcoming and well-resourced learning spaces that foster a positive atmosphere for young learners.
From year two, approximately half of the places are filled by pupils from Bablake and King Henry VIII Pre-prep, who receive automatic entry. New students are assessed in English and Maths during a taster day, ensuring a smooth integration into the school community. The school expands its classes in year three, accommodating up to 20 pupils per class, and from year five, students undertake tests in Maths, English, and Non-Verbal Reasoning.
The school prides itself on its holistic approach to education, emphasising the importance of stretching oneself, maintaining a positive attitude, and incorporating fun into learning. Teachers are dedicated and well-versed in their subjects, with specialists in Physical Education, French, Art, Drama, and Music. The form teacher system ensures continuity and familiarity for students, while the use of White Rose Maths promotes in-depth mastery for all.
The library is a standout feature, transformed from a standard classroom into an inviting space with well-displayed books, beanbags, sofas, and computer areas. The school also excels in its displays, with vibrant noticeboards dedicated to various topics such as the Victorians, Tudors, and narrative writing. Competitions are a regular feature, with students recently enjoying a bespoke trip to Sky Studios.
Music is a particular strength, with a director who has experience with the Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. The school offers a range of musical opportunities, including three choirs, numerous ensembles, and percussion groups. The annual spring concert at Butterworth Hall is a highlight, showcasing the talents of the students.
Drama is introduced from year three, with each year group participating in a show. The curriculum becomes more serious in year five, often focusing on Shakespeare, and culminates in a major musical production in year six. Art is also well-supported, with two exhibitions a year and a range of competitions. The art classroom, while not large, is well-resourced and fosters a creative atmosphere.
Sport is inclusive, with a focus on participation rather than competition. The school offers a variety of sports, including hockey, rugby, netball, cricket, swimming, athletics, and gymnastics. Facilities are shared with the senior school, providing excellent resources for students.
Extra-curricular activities are abundant, with over 35 clubs available. Young Engineers and Bayleaf Cookery School are popular choices, although they incur additional costs. Free clubs run by staff include sports, music, dance, origami, and chess. Day trips and residentials are organised from year three, with a much-anticipated trip to France for year six students.
The school is culturally diverse, with a significant proportion of ethnic minority students. It celebrates all cultures, fostering an inquisitive and inclusive environment. The wellbeing hub, along with two counsellors and a chaplain, supports students’ mental health and emotional needs.
Parents appreciate the school’s communication, noting that staff are responsive and approachable. The school is not characterised by ostentation, with a down-to-earth atmosphere that appeals to families from various professional backgrounds.
In conclusion, King Henry VIII School offers a well-rounded education that prioritises student engagement and personal growth. Its strengths in music, drama, and inclusive sports, combined with a supportive and diverse community, make it a compelling choice for families in the Coventry area. To receive updates about this school including exam results, senior staff changes and open days please bookmark it using the button at the end of this review.