Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Mount Pleasant Primary School on 28 March 2019, following its previous judgment of good in October 2014. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, under the headteacher, has effectively fostered a calm and purposeful environment, promoting the school motto of believe it, achieve it. Pupils demonstrate resilience and enthusiasm for learning, enjoying their time at school.
Since the last inspection, the school faced significant leadership turbulence, which initially impacted pupil achievement negatively. However, since the headteacher's appointment in April 2018, decisive actions have been taken to strengthen teaching and improve the curriculum. The leadership is now stable, and there is a collaborative effort among staff to focus on school improvement priorities. As a result, pupils across all year groups are making stronger progress and achieving higher standards than in previous years.
The school has successfully addressed previous recommendations to enhance reading instruction in Years 1 and 2. Actions taken have positively impacted pupils' reading skills, with more pupils on track to reach higher standards. Teachers provide appropriate challenges, enabling the most able pupils to progress well. However, some lower-ability pupils struggle with reading accuracy and expression, indicating a need for further support in this area.
Parental feedback during the inspection was overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the school's impact on their children's learning and happiness. Parents of children in Nursery and Reception particularly noted the significant learning gains their children have made. The early years staff demonstrate a strong understanding of children's developmental needs, carefully sequencing activities to promote understanding through hands-on experiences.
Safeguarding practices at the school are effective, with pupils feeling secure and well cared for. They appreciate the support from staff and the proactive measures taken to address any concerns. The pupil anti-bullying ambassadors play an active role in promoting a safe environment, and the school provides relevant information to both pupils and parents regarding safety issues.
The inspection findings highlighted the successful transformation of the school's approach to tracking and utilizing pupil achievement data. Senior leaders work closely with teachers to ensure accurate assessments and identify learning gaps, leading to targeted support for pupils. This focus on achievement, combined with high-quality teaching, has resulted in improved progress for various pupil groups, including girls and disadvantaged pupils.
While the school has made significant strides in reading and overall pupil achievement, there are still areas for improvement. The governing body has been supportive but needs to enhance its accountability measures regarding pupil achievement. Recent training has begun to equip governors with the necessary skills to challenge leaders effectively.
Next steps for the school include ensuring that lower-ability pupils develop reading skills with accuracy and expression, providing more opportunities for the most able pupils to deepen their understanding in mathematics, and enhancing the governing body's capacity to challenge school leaders effectively. Overall, the inspection affirmed the school's commitment to continuous improvement and the positive impact of its leadership on pupil outcomes.