Dingle Community Primary School, located in Kingswinford, West Midlands, has undergone significant improvements since its last inspection in May 2017, where it was rated as requiring improvement. The recent inspection in September 2019 has resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good across all areas, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school’s motto, learning to learn for life, reflects its commitment to fostering a positive learning environment where pupils feel valued and supported.
Pupils express that they are well cared for and that teachers are dedicated to their academic success and personal growth. The school promotes inquisitiveness and a love for learning through a diverse curriculum that engages students in various subjects. Activities such as making rockets, gardening, and visits to local museums enhance the educational experience, making school enjoyable for the pupils. The school has a strong anti-bullying culture, with incidents being rare and effectively managed by staff, contributing to a respectful and harmonious atmosphere among students.
The quality of education has improved rapidly under the leadership of the new headteacher, who has set high expectations for both pupils and staff. The curriculum is designed to ensure that pupils make strong progress across subjects, with a focus on helping them retain knowledge. In mathematics, for instance, teachers ensure that students can apply their learning before advancing to new topics. While most subjects have adapted well to the new curriculum framework, some foundation subjects, such as history, are still in the process of being fully integrated.
Leaders have appointed subject leaders to oversee the implementation of the new teaching plans, and they are collaborating with local secondary school colleagues to enhance their expertise. Although these subject leaders are relatively new in their roles, they are expected to have a significant impact on the quality of teaching as they develop their skills. Teachers are also creating effective assessment methods to monitor pupil progress, ensuring that all students are on track to meet their learning goals.
In the early years, children receive excellent support, with staff quickly identifying those who may struggle with reading. Interventions are implemented promptly to help these children catch up, ensuring that they develop into fluent readers by the end of key stage one. The school is committed to inclusivity, providing additional support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, allowing them to participate fully in school activities.
The curriculum is enriched with trips, cultural studies, and opportunities to appreciate the arts, fostering a well-rounded education. After-school clubs offer a variety of activities, and assemblies promote important values related to life in modern Britain. Parents are encouraged to engage with the school through regular meetings and events that celebrate student achievements.
The governing body is actively involved in the school’s management, working closely with leaders to ensure effective governance. Safeguarding measures are robust, with staff trained to identify and address potential risks, creating a safe environment for all pupils. The school is aware of local risks and provides education on safety, including internet safety.
While the school has made commendable progress, there are areas for further improvement. Leaders must ensure that the curriculum adjustments in foundation subjects are made urgently and that new subject leaders receive the necessary support and training to enhance their effectiveness. Overall, Dingle Community Primary School is on a positive trajectory, with a strong foundation for continued growth and success.