The Dormston School, located in Sedgley, Dudley, West Midlands, has been evaluated as a good educational institution following its inspection on June 8 and 9, 2022. The school is characterized by a harmonious and cohesive community where leaders and teachers share common values with pupils, fostering an environment of respect, responsibility, and resilience. Pupils appreciate the education they receive and express a willingness to recommend the school to others. The school environment is calm, allowing pupils to concentrate and engage actively in their learning. Teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge and effectively share their expertise, leading to a positive learning atmosphere.
Behaviour within the school is well-managed, with teachers setting high expectations for pupil conduct. Instances of bullying are rare, and when they do occur, staff address them promptly. The headteacher and senior leaders have ambitious goals for all pupils and possess a clear understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement. The curriculum is broad and ambitious, offering a wide range of subjects across all key stages. However, there is a noted concern regarding the low uptake of modern foreign languages at the GCSE level, which leaders are actively working to address.
Subject leaders collaborate effectively, ensuring that the curriculum is well-structured and that pupils build their understanding over time. While teachers maintain high expectations for the presentation of work, there are areas for improvement in the use of assessment information. Some teachers do not consistently identify gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills, which can hinder progress. Reading is prioritized within the school, with regular opportunities for pupils to engage with texts across the curriculum. Support is provided for those who struggle with reading, helping them to improve their skills.
The school is inclusive, with many pupils with special educational needs and disabilities achieving well. However, there is a need for more precise strategies to support these pupils effectively, as not all teachers adapt their teaching to meet their specific needs. Pupils benefit from a variety of extracurricular activities, including clubs, sports, and the annual musical theatre production, which enhances their personal development. The school promotes leadership opportunities and provides extensive information about future pathways, including work experience for Year 10 pupils.
The personal, social, and health education curriculum is relevant and diverse, addressing issues pertinent to the community. The school celebrates diversity and encourages pupils to contribute positively to society. The leadership team, including knowledgeable governors, works collaboratively to ensure continuous improvement. Staff express satisfaction with their roles and feel supported in their work.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with staff trained to identify and respond to concerns promptly. The school fosters a culture of safety and well-being, ensuring that pupils learn to take care of themselves. To enhance its effectiveness further, the school should focus on improving the use of assessment to identify knowledge gaps and provide more targeted support for pupils with special educational needs. Overall, The Dormston School is a well-led institution that provides a good quality of education, fostering a positive environment for learning and personal growth.