Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Burnt Tree Primary School on January 30, 2019, and the findings indicate that the school continues to provide a good quality of education. The leadership team has effectively maintained the standards established during the previous inspection in January 2015. The headteacher and deputy headteachers demonstrate a strong understanding of the school's strengths and weaknesses, regularly monitoring the quality of teaching and learning. The inspection confirmed that the leadership's views on teaching aligned with the inspector's observations. Teachers consistently assess pupil progress and provide additional support for those at risk of falling behind. The school environment is well-maintained, with attractive and educational displays throughout the corridors.
The governing body is effective, having recently overseen the headteacher's appointment and made necessary adjustments to the leadership structure. Governors are well-trained and understand their role in supporting and holding leaders accountable. The leadership team fosters a culture of enthusiasm for teaching, which promotes teamwork among staff. The school has a tradition of hiring trainee teachers for permanent positions, which aids recruitment and ensures consistency in expectations. Teachers also engage in professional development by visiting other schools to enhance their practice.
High standards are set for both pupils and staff, with students taking pride in their uniforms and consistently presenting their work well. Pupils understand the school's rules and rewards, and they demonstrate good behavior in the classroom and playground. Attendance is regular, and no group of pupils is disadvantaged by low attendance rates. The early years foundation stage provides a strong start for children, many of whom speak English as an additional language or have communication difficulties. These children make good progress, with the proportion achieving a good level of development in line with national averages.
Recent outcomes show significant improvement, with key stage one attainment above the national average. Year six pupils in 2018 made well-above-average progress in reading, writing, and mathematics, particularly those with low and middle prior attainment. The school effectively uses the pupil premium to support disadvantaged pupils, ensuring their achievement keeps pace with their peers. Evidence from the inspection indicates that pupils across various subjects are making strong progress.
Parental support for the school is overwhelmingly positive, with parents appreciating the communication and support provided by staff, especially in the early years. Safeguarding measures are robust, with staff trained to identify and address any issues that may arise. Pupils feel safe and report no incidents of bullying, demonstrating awareness of online safety and other safety measures.
The curriculum is broad and well-received by pupils, who enjoy a variety of subjects. Leaders have established clear expectations for knowledge and skills, and teaching often integrates subjects creatively. However, there is a need for pupils to develop greater responsibility for their learning and to engage in tasks that challenge their thinking. The school has made improvements in mathematics teaching, ensuring a comprehensive coverage of topics and opportunities for discussion among pupils. English teaching encourages diverse writing forms and vocabulary development.
While the most able pupils have not consistently made the same progress as their peers, teachers are now setting more challenging tasks to stimulate their curiosity and critical thinking. The school is encouraged to continue fostering self-confidence in pupils and to enhance the depth of tasks assigned to them, particularly for the most able learners. Overall, the inspection highlights the school's commitment to continuous improvement and the effective leadership that supports its success.