Yew Tree Primary School, located in Walsall, West Midlands, has undergone a significant transformation since its previous inspection, moving from a grade of Requires Improvement to an overall effectiveness rating of Good. The inspection took place on 19 and 20 October 2021, and the findings reflect a positive environment where pupils express pride in their school. They appreciate the supportive staff and the engaging learning environment, which includes a variety of settings for education, such as classrooms, halls, and outdoor spaces.
The school’s leadership has established high expectations for all pupils, encapsulated in the vision of learning without limits. This ethos encourages students to strive for excellence in their academic pursuits. The curriculum is well-structured, mapping out essential knowledge and skills for each year group and subject. Teachers find these plans beneficial for lesson design, ensuring that learning builds progressively on prior knowledge. However, in some subjects, particularly computing, the curriculum is still in the early stages of implementation, and teachers are working to address gaps in pupils' knowledge.
Pupils demonstrate positive behavior and attitudes towards learning. They engage attentively in lessons and interact kindly with one another, contributing to a friendly atmosphere throughout the school. Instances of bullying are rare, and when they do occur, staff address them promptly. The school fosters a sense of community, with parents and carers expressing overwhelming support for the positive changes implemented over the past two years.
The quality of education is further enhanced by teachers' strong subject knowledge, which allows them to deliver lessons in an engaging manner. They effectively model subject-specific vocabulary, particularly in English and mathematics, encouraging pupils to use this vocabulary in their responses. The introduction of a new phonics scheme aims to improve early reading skills, although not all staff have completed the necessary training, leading to some inconsistencies in phonics instruction.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are well-supported, learning alongside their peers with appropriate resources and adaptations. The school emphasizes the importance of its core values, including responsibility, respect, pride, courage, and ambition, which are integrated into daily interactions and discussions. While pupils have a growing understanding of mental health and relationships, their knowledge of diverse faiths and cultures is still developing.
The leadership team is committed to continuous improvement, actively seeking ways to enhance the educational experience for all pupils. Governors play a crucial role in supporting and challenging the leadership team, ensuring accountability and effective governance. Staff express pride in their work and appreciate the training and support they receive, which contributes to a collaborative and positive working environment.
The safeguarding arrangements at Yew Tree Primary School are effective, with well-trained staff who prioritize pupil safety. Regular training ensures that all staff are knowledgeable about safeguarding procedures, and the curriculum includes important lessons on staying safe both in school and online.
To further improve, the school needs to ensure that all staff are adequately trained in the new phonics scheme to provide consistent instruction. Additionally, there is a need to enhance the curriculum to broaden pupils' understanding of different cultures and beliefs. Overall, Yew Tree Primary School is making commendable progress in providing a quality education and fostering a supportive community for its pupils.