Sharmans Cross Junior School, located in Solihull, West Midlands, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on November 16 and 17, 2021. The school provides a positive environment where pupils are happy and eager to attend. They form strong friendships and demonstrate kindness and respect towards one another, understanding the importance of diversity. The school community actively participates in charitable activities, showcasing their commitment to social responsibility.
In the classroom, pupils exhibit attentiveness and diligence in their work. They navigate the school premises sensibly, contributing to a tidy environment. The school has established effective measures to address bullying, ensuring that any incidents are dealt with promptly, which fosters a sense of safety among students. The leadership team has implemented a broad curriculum that enables pupils to achieve well, particularly in English and mathematics. Efforts are underway to enhance the curriculum in other subjects to ensure similar success across the board. Pupils find lessons engaging and know they can seek help from adults when faced with challenges.
The school enriches the curriculum through various extracurricular activities, including after-school clubs in gymnastics, art, and Spanish. Each year, all pupils have the opportunity to participate in a residential visit, which contributes to their personal development. The leadership team is ambitious for pupil achievement and has designed a curriculum that progressively builds knowledge across subjects. In mathematics, for instance, teachers facilitate understanding by allowing time for practice and revision, resulting in a solid grasp of key concepts.
Pupils demonstrate a love for reading, with most achieving proficiency by the end of key stage two. Those at the early stages of reading receive additional support to help them catch up, although the current level of support has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The school is aware of this and is taking steps to improve phonics instruction by increasing staffing to provide daily support.
While the curriculum in subjects like art, history, and geography is being refined, there is still work to be done in clearly defining and sequencing the knowledge pupils should acquire. This has led to instances where lessons cover extensive content, making it challenging for pupils to retain information and connect learning across topics. Staff are dedicated to the well-being of pupils, utilizing tools like the 'zones of regulation' to help students express their feelings and receive necessary support.
Pupils are encouraged to take on responsibilities, such as being reading buddies and library monitors, which fosters a sense of ownership and community. The school maintains high expectations for behavior, and the consistent application of the behavior system has resulted in positive conduct throughout the day. Governors are actively involved, supporting and challenging school leaders while working to streamline staff workloads.
The safeguarding arrangements at Sharmans Cross Junior School are effective, with regular training for staff to stay updated on safeguarding priorities. Staff are vigilant in recognizing signs of risk and respond promptly to concerns, ensuring that vulnerable families receive appropriate support.
Despite the school's strengths, there are areas for improvement. The curriculum planning and sequencing in some subjects require further development to enhance pupils' understanding. Additionally, the frequency and systematic nature of phonics teaching need to be improved to help pupils catch up more effectively. The leadership team is aware of these challenges and is committed to addressing them to ensure continued success for all pupils.