New Invention Junior School, located in Willenhall, West Midlands, has received an outstanding rating following its inspection in January 2019. The school has made significant improvements since its previous inspection, with leaders, governors, and staff working collaboratively to foster a culture of high aspiration. The headteacher and leadership team have instilled a strong commitment to excellence among both pupils and staff, resulting in excellent attitudes towards learning. The quality of teaching across the school is high, leading to strong progress for pupils of all abilities, particularly in reading, writing, and mathematics.
The learning environment is engaging and stimulating, with displays of high-quality pupil work that enhance the educational experience. Pupils take ownership of their learning, which deepens their understanding across various subjects. National test results from the past three years, along with current pupil work, indicate outstanding progress in mathematics and writing. However, there is recognition that reading progress, particularly for the most able readers, could be improved, and leaders are actively working on strategies to enhance vocabulary use across the curriculum.
Pupils exhibit exceptional behavior, demonstrating respect, politeness, and care for one another. Relationships among pupils and between staff and pupils are built on mutual respect, contributing to a positive school culture. The curriculum effectively supports pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development, with opportunities for pupils to excel in most subjects. Nonetheless, there is potential for further improvement in certain subjects where depth of learning and engagement with challenging texts could be enhanced.
Safeguarding practices at the school are robust, with parents and pupils appreciating the care and support provided. Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive excellent support, enabling them to feel confident and make significant progress. The school is committed to continuous improvement, focusing on developing the curriculum to ensure pupils engage with knowledge and skills in greater depth, and incorporating high-quality reading activities across all subjects.
Leadership and management are rated outstanding, with leaders maintaining high expectations for the school community. The headteacher's passion and determination have fostered a culture of aspiration and respect. Middle leaders are effective, with strong subject knowledge and strategic planning that enhances learning experiences. The curriculum is well-developed, enriched by a variety of visits and visitors that broaden pupils' knowledge and understanding.
Governors are actively involved in the school, regularly visiting to engage with staff and pupils, which allows them to ask informed questions and support school leaders in achieving their goals. They ensure that additional funding, such as pupil premium and special educational needs funding, is utilized effectively to support vulnerable pupils.
The school’s commitment to promoting pupils' personal development and welfare is evident, with a focus on high aspirations and respect. Pupils feel valued and confident, participating in various activities that prepare them for future educational stages. They demonstrate a strong understanding of safety, both in the physical world and online, and are well-informed about healthy living.
Overall, New Invention Junior School provides an outstanding educational experience, with strong leadership, high-quality teaching, and a supportive environment that fosters pupil growth and achievement. The school is dedicated to continuous improvement, ensuring that all pupils have the opportunity to excel and reach their full potential.