St Michael’s Catholic Primary School in Liverpool has received a positive inspection report, reflecting significant improvements since its previous evaluation. The school is characterized by a welcoming environment where pupils feel proud to attend. From the early years, children are encouraged to adhere to the school’s rules, fostering a culture of politeness, respect, and kindness. This supportive atmosphere contributes to the development of pupils' confidence and eagerness to learn. The school has high expectations for achievement, and pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, are achieving well.
The curriculum is broad and ambitious, designed to meet the diverse needs of all pupils. The school has identified key knowledge and vocabulary across subjects, ensuring that content is taught in a logical sequence. Despite some challenges, particularly with pupils who joined at various stages, most students are making good progress. The school has invested in high-quality training for teachers, enabling them to deliver the curriculum effectively. Teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge and design activities tailored to the needs of their pupils.
Pupils benefit from a rich array of extracurricular activities, including sports, choir, and various clubs, which enhance their educational experience. Leadership opportunities, such as roles in the school council, are embraced by pupils, who understand the importance of their contributions. The school promotes a well-rounded education, emphasizing the importance of health, safety, and understanding different cultures and faiths. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in enhancing pupils' knowledge of modern British values and forms of discrimination.
Behaviour at the school is exemplary, with routines established from the early years that promote calm and orderly conduct. Pupils demonstrate positive attitudes towards their education, understanding the importance of their behaviour in supporting their learning and that of others. Attendance is prioritized, and the school has implemented effective strategies to improve attendance rates among pupils who are frequently absent.
Governance is strong, with governors actively involved in evaluating the quality of education. They provide both challenge and support to the school, ensuring that staff well-being is considered in decision-making processes. The school has made refinements to its policies, which have positively impacted staff workload and morale.
While the school has made commendable progress, there are areas that require attention. In the early years, children in Reception need more opportunities to deepen their learning during independent play. Additionally, some pupils have gaps in their understanding of modern British society, particularly regarding fundamental British values and discrimination. Addressing these gaps will better prepare pupils for life beyond school.
Overall, St Michael’s Catholic Primary School has made significant strides in providing a good quality of education. The positive relationships between staff and pupils, combined with a well-structured curriculum and a focus on personal development, contribute to a nurturing learning environment. Continued efforts to enhance specific areas will further strengthen the school’s effectiveness and ensure that all pupils are well-prepared for their future.