Wargrave C of E Primary School, located in Newton-le-Willows, Merseyside, has undergone a recent inspection that highlighted its overall effectiveness as good. The inspection took place over several days in May and June 2021, marking a significant improvement from its previous grade of requires improvement. The school provides a welcoming environment where pupils and their families are greeted warmly by staff each morning. Pupils feel valued and are eager to engage with their teachers and peers, fostering a readiness to learn. The school ensures that all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and disabilities, are well-prepared for future challenges and achieve commendable results across various subjects.
The leadership team has set high ambitions for every pupil, which is evident in the effective support provided to help them learn and retain knowledge from the curriculum. Pupils exhibit good behavior during lessons and playtimes, demonstrating an understanding of the support available to them for managing their behavior. Incidents of bullying are rare, and when they do occur, they are addressed promptly by staff. The school prioritizes the well-being of its pupils, offering resources such as calm spaces for quiet time and the presence of a therapy dog to help students feel relaxed.
The school has made notable strides in improving its curriculum. Subject leaders have received training to enhance their expertise and provide valuable support to colleagues in planning and teaching. Curriculum plans across subjects clearly outline the essential knowledge and skills that pupils are expected to learn. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in the early years, where curriculum plans lack clarity regarding the specific steps children need to take in their learning.
Leaders are committed to ensuring that all pupils succeed, with staff providing essential support to help them grasp important subject vocabulary. Regular assessments allow teachers to monitor pupils' understanding and provide timely assistance to those who may be struggling. The emphasis on reading is evident, with attractive reading areas and engaging story times in the early years. Older pupils enjoy reading challenging books, and phonics instruction is structured to build on prior knowledge.
Pupils are encouraged to participate actively in class discussions and demonstrate respect for their peers. The school promotes its values of truth, friendship, and respect, helping pupils appreciate diversity in race, gender, and disability. However, some pupils leave Year 6 with limited knowledge of religions beyond Christianity, indicating a need for a broader understanding of different faiths.
Attendance has improved due to effective measures implemented by leaders, ensuring that all pupils, including those learning remotely, receive appropriate support. Staff express satisfaction with their work environment, feeling valued and supported by leadership, which takes their workload into consideration.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, with staff trained to identify signs of abuse or neglect. Leaders act swiftly to ensure the safety of pupils, collaborating with parents and external professionals when necessary. Vulnerable pupils benefit from a range of pastoral support, and the school teaches them about risks, including those associated with relationships and internet safety.
While the school has made significant progress, there are areas that require further attention, particularly in refining the early years curriculum and enhancing pupils' understanding of a wider range of religions. Overall, Wargrave C of E Primary School demonstrates a commitment to providing a supportive and effective educational environment for its pupils.