Holy Cross Catholic Primary School is a welcoming and friendly institution where pupils feel safe and valued. The school has made significant improvements since its previous inspection, moving from a grade of Requires Improvement to Good across all areas, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school’s mission statement, we care, we share, we value, is actively demonstrated by both staff and students, fostering a positive school culture.
Leaders at Holy Cross have high expectations for all pupils and have developed a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the diverse needs of students, including those who are disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and disabilities. This thoughtful planning allows pupils to achieve well academically. The curriculum is designed to build on prior knowledge, ensuring that new learning is effectively integrated. For instance, Year 4 pupils successfully applied their earlier scientific knowledge to understand physical and natural changes in the world.
Pupils exhibit a strong desire to learn and demonstrate good behavior both in the classroom and throughout the school. They are respectful and polite, and they feel confident that any instances of bullying will be addressed promptly by staff. The school promotes inclusivity, with pupils expressing that everyone is included and no one is left out. Opportunities for pupils to take on responsibilities, such as being e-cadets or school councillors, are valued, and they take these roles seriously, wearing their badges with pride.
The school has placed a strong emphasis on early reading, with staff well-trained in delivering a structured phonics program. This has resulted in almost all pupils reading with accuracy and fluency by the end of Year 2. Older pupils enjoy reading and recognize its importance for their learning, accessing a wide range of texts that engage their interests.
While the school excels in many areas, there are still some aspects that require attention. In a few subjects, the curriculum planning is not as well developed, which can hinder pupils' ability to make connections in their learning. Leaders are encouraged to ensure that curriculum plans are clear and structured to facilitate better learning outcomes. Additionally, a small number of pupils have attendance issues, which affects their learning and overall achievement. Improving attendance rates for these pupils is essential for maximizing their educational experience.
The governing body provides effective support and challenge to school leaders, who have a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement. Staff appreciate the consideration given to their workload and well-being, as well as the opportunities for professional development.
Safeguarding measures at Holy Cross are robust, with comprehensive training ensuring that staff are vigilant and knowledgeable about procedures to protect pupils. Strong links with external agencies further support the well-being of students and their families. Through the curriculum, pupils learn about safety and the importance of respect and tolerance for different cultures and backgrounds, preparing them for life in modern Britain.
Overall, Holy Cross Catholic Primary School is a good school that has made significant strides in providing a supportive and effective learning environment for its pupils. The commitment to continuous improvement and the well-being of both students and staff is evident, making it a positive place for education.