De La Salle School, located in Eccleston, St Helens, Merseyside, underwent an inspection on June 6 and 7, 2023. The overall effectiveness of the school was rated as requiring improvement, with the quality of education also falling into the same category. However, the school demonstrated good performance in areas such as behavior and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management. This inspection marked a continuation of the school's journey since its previous inspection, which also rated it as requiring improvement.
The school environment is characterized by warmth and friendliness, fostering positive relationships between staff and pupils. Students have responded well to the heightened expectations regarding behavior, reporting significant improvements in this area. Generally, pupils exhibit good behavior throughout the school and during lessons, with most teachers effectively managing low-level disruptions. The school has made strides in enhancing the quality of education, particularly for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they have access to an ambitious curriculum. Nonetheless, weaknesses remain in the delivery of the curriculum in certain subjects, leading to some pupils not achieving their full potential.
Pupils feel supported and safe, knowing they can approach an adult in the school with any concerns. Incidents of bullying are addressed promptly, contributing to a positive atmosphere. The school offers various leadership opportunities, such as participation in the '1719 society,' where pupils contribute to decision-making processes. They also take pride in their charitable initiatives aimed at supporting vulnerable community members.
The curriculum is ambitious and includes modern foreign languages for all pupils. Leaders have identified essential knowledge building blocks, and staff are generally well-informed about the curriculum's delivery timeline. Teachers engage in regular training to maintain their subject knowledge. However, in some subjects, the selection of activities does not effectively support pupils' learning, hindering their ability to deepen their understanding of concepts.
Assessment strategies are in place to monitor pupils' learning, but some teachers do not utilize these effectively, resulting in misconceptions not being addressed in a timely manner. Consequently, some pupils lack a solid foundation of knowledge. Leaders are proactive in identifying pupils' additional needs and equipping staff to support those with SEND effectively. Pupils with SEND are integrated into the school community and participate fully in school life.
Reading is prioritized, with systems established to assist pupils who struggle. While staff have received training, some lack the expertise to deliver additional reading sessions as intended. Overall, pupils display positive attitudes towards learning, and staff are supported in managing behavior consistently. Although attendance has improved, a small number of disadvantaged pupils still do not attend regularly, which affects their learning.
Leaders provide various opportunities for personal development, including high-quality careers education that prepares pupils for future educational stages. The school promotes understanding and respect for different faiths and beliefs, helping pupils develop resilience and independence. Staff report satisfaction in their roles and feel supported in managing their workloads. The governing body effectively challenges and supports school leaders.
The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with clear processes for identifying at-risk pupils. Staff receive regular training and follow procedures diligently. Leaders act swiftly on concerns and collaborate with external agencies to provide necessary support. Pupils are educated about safeguarding risks, learning how to maintain their safety and mental health.
To improve, the school needs to ensure that teachers select appropriate activities that align with the intended curriculum to enhance pupils' knowledge retention. Additionally, leaders should finalize assessment strategies to help teachers address knowledge gaps effectively. Continued support for disadvantaged pupils' attendance is essential to ensure they benefit fully from the curriculum.