Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School, located in the UK, is a distinguished independent day school for girls aged four to 18, with a small number of boys in the early years. The school is renowned for its strong academic performance and a broad curriculum that caters to a wide range of interests and abilities. Entry into Year 7 requires tests in English, Maths, and online reasoning, along with a report from the current school. For Years 8 to 10, the entry process includes tests in English, Maths, and reasoning, as well as spoken and written questions in languages and sciences. Sixth form entry demands at least seven GCSEs at grade 6 or above, with higher grades required in subjects to be taken at A level.
The school boasts a robust academic record, with a significant percentage of students achieving top grades at both GCSE and A level. In 2022, 53% of students achieved grades 9-7 at GCSE, and nearly half secured A*/A at A level. The school has a strong tradition of students progressing to Russell Group universities, with popular destinations including Imperial, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Warwick, and Bristol. There is also occasional success in securing places at Oxbridge and medical schools.
Teaching and learning at the school are particularly strong in subjects such as Maths, Physics, Art and Design, French, Economics, Geography, and Psychology at A level. The school offers a wide range of subjects, including Business Studies, ICT, Government and Politics, Theatre Studies, and the AQA Baccalaureate. The Classics department is notably impressive, offering courses in Greek, Latin, and Mandarin. The school provides a well-designed gifted and talented programme for selected students in Years 7-10, known as the Harrison Group, and offers extensive support for Oxbridge, law, modern languages, and medical school applicants.
The school is committed to providing comprehensive learning support and special educational needs (SEN) provision. This includes individual sessions, individual education plans (IEPs) with detailed teaching strategies, and a specialist science support teacher. The Head of Learning Support ensures that all needs are met, with initial screening for dyslexia and individual EAL support available.
The arts and extra-curricular activities are thriving at the school. The music department is a particular strength, with three orchestras, four choirs, and various ensembles. The school hosts annual drama productions and a drama festival for Years 8 and 9. The art department is renowned for its stunning work in painting, 3D, and multimedia, with excellent exam results and creative partnerships with local universities and hospitals.
The school offers a wide range of sports, including badminton, lacrosse, dance, trampoline, rowing, golf, scuba diving, climbing, pilates, and step aerobics. There is success at local, county, regional, and national levels in sports such as hockey, netball, athletics, tennis, cross-country, and swimming.
The ethos and heritage of the school are reflected in its diverse architectural style, with a mix of historical and modern buildings. The school promotes reading and general knowledge, with book lists, shadow competition judging, and visits from writers. The school council, chosen by the students, reflects the school’s commitment to student involvement and leadership.
Pastoral care is a priority, with a focus on rewards rather than sanctions. The school provides a supportive environment, with sixth form mentors and access to trained counsellors. The transition to Year 7 is well-planned, with a summer holiday scheme to help new students integrate quickly.
The school has a wide catchment area, drawing students from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. Parents feel involved and supported, with good communication through the website, newsletters, and a handbook. Financial support is available for those in need, with scholarships and assisted places awarded based on academic merit.
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