Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Kilgarth School on 12 March 2019, following its previous outstanding judgment in March 2015. The inspection confirmed that Kilgarth School continues to provide an outstanding quality of education. The leadership team, including the acting headteacher and acting deputy headteacher, has maintained high standards since their appointments in January 2019. The transition in leadership has been seamless, supported by the executive headteacher and governors, ensuring strong leadership at all levels. The acting headteacher is well-respected and supported by colleagues, contributing to the school's ongoing success.
Since the last inspection, Kilgarth has joined the Aspire Schools Federation and has taken on a supportive role for a local authority pupil referral unit. Staff have also become influential in assisting other schools as part of the Weatherhead Teaching School Alliance. The governing body provides effective strategic leadership, offering support and challenge to the school’s leadership. Governors are experienced and actively involved, sharing the ambition for pupils and supporting efforts to address the increasing number of students with social, emotional, and mental health concerns.
Relationships are fundamental to the success of Kilgarth School. Staff establish strong connections with pupils and their families before they start school, ensuring a positive transition. This approach has led to significant improvements in the lives of many pupils, particularly those who have been out of education for extended periods. Parents and carers recognize the transformative impact of the school, appreciating the dedication of staff in understanding and nurturing each pupil's potential.
Pupils express enthusiasm for their future plans, including aspirations for further education and vocational training. The school fosters a positive climate for learning, with high staff morale and a commitment to professional development. Leaders have effectively addressed previous recommendations regarding school improvement planning, producing detailed action plans with measurable success criteria.
Safeguarding practices at Kilgarth are exemplary, providing a safe haven for pupils. The school ensures that all staff are appropriately vetted and receive thorough induction training. Concerns raised by staff, parents, or pupils are addressed promptly, with a strong emphasis on building trust and understanding individual pupil needs. Staff employ effective de-escalation strategies to manage behavior, resulting in a calm school environment and a reduction in incidents requiring physical intervention.
The inspection focused on how well the curriculum meets individual pupil needs and prepares them for adulthood. Despite limitations in school facilities, leaders have developed a broad curriculum that allows pupils to pursue various qualifications and vocational accreditations. The introduction of a flexible learning program has positively impacted attendance and engagement, with pupils making significant progress.
Leaders are committed to ensuring that pupils are well-prepared for life after school, working closely with further education providers to facilitate successful transitions. While most pupils continue their education or training, some struggle to maintain placements due to a lack of ongoing support. Leaders are actively researching ways to improve outcomes for pupils post-16.
Overall, Kilgarth School exemplifies a commitment to excellence in education, fostering strong relationships, and providing tailored support to meet the diverse needs of its pupils. The school’s leadership and staff dedication contribute significantly to the positive experiences and outcomes for all students.